SweetsTomato I am a Rabbink eating Pig and Tiger, Tomato. Gwahahaha.

Btw has the #3 Contest got a winning email? I heard Contest #2 winner announced with private email.

Couldn't wait to check "Evolution" Style novel. Improving Bloodline, etc is interesting.

Actually my second Novel idea is based on evolution, however the main character is still human (with a bit monster trait. It was uncommon style. It is also heavy, so I don't dare to press "Publish" in Inkstone, ever. Gwahahaha. Perhaps it would suit the competing platform better.)

    ... And here I thought WN would stop promulgating things that would just increase the mediocrity of Originals, but no, I had to turn my other cheek for a double slap of double contest in a single week... damn.

      Cobyboy I also disagree with Double Contest. If it is only 1 contest, it might inspire some good ideas.

      The #4 is female readers favorite. I think they deserve a contest to get such novel.

      #5 has potential, it is unique for people who complained of too much System in Original.

      I think WN is looking for Quantity than Quality. This is a great idea, since Yahoo vs Google show better human-list of Yahoo couldn't compete with quantity of Google bot crawler. Google also slowly improved their 'contents'.

      I was literally already doing this..
      But eh, don't mind aiming to get a prize..

      I already had plans for this kind of a story (#5) so I guess it's a good opportunity.


      This is actually a story from the PoV of a support character. The entirety of the story, from the PoV of the main character, is going to be written at a later time and will provide a different perspective, along with a more detailed side of the events, but I felt that this one may work better for the contest.

        The Modern Cinderella prompt really fried my brain with nothing to show for it. Entertainment Industry is kinda ~meh~ for me, but I'm feeling really inspired right now so I'll do my best to churn out the plot for the 'Evolved Beasts in Another World' prompt and finish writing the prologue, at least

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL My caharcter will become an undead further along my novel and he will continue to evilve into stronger undead am I elegible for entry? Because He wont be a monster at first only a little down the line pls answer?

            Magus You strong point is 'undead' and evolve. I think for a webnovel. You want to make it appear in the first 5 chapter. Perhaps use a flashback or something and show he is currently an undead with capability to evolve in the beginning. (Since it becomes the topic, it would cliche the theme somewhat lots monster novel would appear, but this would be fresh in the system dominated rank).

            One of my mistakes as a new author, is not giving the 'cheat' aka hook in the first 5 chapter.

              Since there is no disolay section i will put my novel here! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/11351554706335905
              Name: LOL Karthus: The death system

              Karthus was born into abject poverty in the sprawl of dwellings built in the walls of the Navaria. His mother died at the moment of his birth, leaving his father to raise him and his three sisters alone. After being surrounded by countless deaths Karthus receives the death system.

              A system which aids him to become the strongest death adept. With this Karthus’s mission is to bring the joy of death to mortals, an apostle to the unliving. The living fear the eternity of undeath, but Karthus sees only beauty and purity in its embrace, a perfect union of life and death.

                Since there is no disolay section i will put my novel here! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/11351554706335905
                Name: LOL Karthus: The death system

                Karthus was born into abject poverty in the sprawl of dwellings built in the walls of the Navaria. His mother died at the moment of his birth, leaving his father to raise him and his three sisters alone. After being surrounded by countless deaths Karthus receives the death system.

                A system which aids him to become the strongest death adept. With this Karthus’s mission is to bring the joy of death to mortals, an apostle to the unliving. The living fear the eternity of undeath, but Karthus sees only beauty and purity in its embrace, a perfect union of life and death.

                  Magus We the beast society had 3 novels now. Gwahahaha. Where are you entertainment industrialist?

                  #4 Entertainment Industry vs #5 Evolved Beasts in Another World : 0 vs 3

                    MasterRabbink I prefer MC as skeleton first because development for evolve greater than undead. As undead the highest rank is lich king right?

                    Web Novel Novel Ask