Same here what is going on?
Not getting my fast pass
Same here
Same, wont show that i got the login ones. The voting. Or the ad video
Got none my self it glich by not giving them
Sadly myself as well. Missing at least 4 of them.
I need them please fix
Same as yesturday... already 11 fp missing in 2 days.
Sadly no change for me either. Sign in for me is noon, 12pm EST, and didn't get it just now.
Does anyone know if we will be compensated later?
EvilLoynis i hope we do hhh. A 24h free reading would be nice
One of the best new novels out there.
Me too
Same. No fast pass for check in, daily recommendation, watch video, power and energy stone. For Three Whole Days.
Same here,,,its been the 3rd day today
This is taking the P*$$
Same for me. It's also been 3 days.
I think it's worse now that we haven't heard anything from them and the weekend is about to start.
I will keep on report bug until they fix it and give me all fast pass l lose in last three days.
It been 3 days i not getting fps after voting
Same here. It's been 2 days