The_Mrsix Ummm, sorry, but you reviewed the wrong one🤧 The one with seven chapters is the one. so sorry for the inconvenience

    Hey everyone! I just started publishing my first-ever web novel: Eternia Saga.
    There are 6 chapters out at this moment. So please let me know how you feel about the story thus far!
    I would love to swap honest reviews and add your book to collections if you would be willing to do the same for me!
    Genres: fantasy, war, isekai, romance, mystery, thriller, antihero

      Hey everyone! I just started publishing my first-ever web novel: Eternia Saga. I would love to swap honest reviews if you would be willing to do the same for me!

      Genres: fantasy, war, romance, mystery, thriller

      There are only 6 chapters out at this moment. So please let me know how you feel about the story thus far!

      I am willing to review up to 10 of your chapters. So, if this seems acceptable to you, please reply to this thread and let me know!

      Keep writing and keep grinding! Cheers!

      Web Novel Novel Ask