yaoyueyi Aah Sh*t I forgot to Describe my MC. xD

So My MC is Frickin Handsome (Don't over do it though! xD ) He has Deep Black Eyes and Silky smooth Black Hair.
He wears what A usual teenage boy would wear (He is from US though).
Hmmm I'm sorry if I'm not descriptive enough xD .
In the First Arc of the Story though he Wears a Cool Looking Black Hoodie with a zipper with red edges? (I forgot how I described him xD ) Khaki shorts and a pair of black yeezys. (God now that i'm describing him it makes me cringe, but watever thats how remember describing what he was wearing in the First Arc of my Novel)

~ Thank You!

    yaoyueyi Ah crap My Bad 😅. Sorry To Bother You! I didn't Notice the The Post At the Bottom!

      oof, no more requests :( (btw if I wanted to learn how to do this as it sounds fun and I need one, how would I start?)

        yaoyueyi It looks like you tried to on the first link, but I don't see it... access the link again and see if it's only my end if you are okay with doing that, if so then please use the second link if you are willing, if not then maybe try again? cause something (either on my end or your end) did not work right first try.... sorry for the inconvenience :(

          TerribleTom as in, how to make a cover for yourself?

          if so, I would suggest getting a program such as Photoshop for making graphics. Photoshop does cost money, but there are plenty of alternatives out there for free, such as Gimp. However, I would definitely suggest downloading something rather than using an online program because downloaded ones are simply more... useful? things such as Canva are really, really limited. also, if you're willing to spend money, buying a drawing tablet is really helpful. (I would suggest a Huion because those are cheap & good quality)
          from there on, you can google a bunch of tutorials such as how to use PSDs, how to blend, how to do photo manipulation, etc. etc. that'll be really useful for beginners. overall though, I would just say to get familiar with the program you're using. if you're using PS, the program is super complex and it'll probably take you a few weeks to get comfortable using it, especially if you haven't ever touched any other sort of drawing/graphics/art program like Photoshop.

          haha hoped that helped! :blush: that's about the best advice I can give for how to start.

          MasterRabbink How did you do your pic? cause of all the pics in this thread, this is the only one I can see as more than a square that looks like it was supposed to be a picture and is about the size of this emogi: :(

            DeJeL are you living somewhere other than the U.S.? then it might be because the image host I use (deviantart sta.sh) is blocked in your country while the link @/MasterRabbink used wasn't. otherwise, I can't think of any other reason.

              yaoyueyi lol, that was the issue, I hadn't looked low enough... thanks.;,;.
              the other methods of getting it to me didn't work, but that one did.;,;. thank you.;,;.
              also, it may not have been quite what I was going for, but it is much better than what I had and what I could have done... so thank you, I will be using it.;,;.

                yaoyueyi No, but might as well be, the blockades are because I'm on something equivalent to school computers.;,;.

                  yaoyueyi I can't reupload the original bc I'm at phone and it's png, I was trying to incorporate the new logo of Qi, but I'm sorry about that, I will be removing it when I wake up

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