
  • Jul 25, 2023
  • Joined Dec 19, 2017
  • I generally ignore toxic comments, but I always answer to toxic reviews because there's often behind them a slandering intent and the content of the arguments is generally some non sense with very few chapters read. A logical and calm answer to them can do wonders and sometimes they have valid points.

    You generally know if they're toxic readers when they answer you back. Many don't. If they do, the tone tells you instantly if it's possible to talk with them in an intelligent way.

    Anyway, except for a few authors here, most webnovels are first drafts, mine included. So taking notice of every feedack, positive or negative is very important. When there's enough, it gives you a clear idea of what you need to improve or rewrite.

  • LuffyLucy.

    If you earned 250$, you will get 250$ and not 200+250$. So if your earn more than the MGS, you don't have to respect it since you don't need it.

    • Mario_Sana.

      I can tell you in my case, that I lose about 10% of my income during the bank transfert. I use revolut, an online bank based in UK that is already supposed to cut most of the taxes compared to a normal bank.

      However, the income displayed on Webnovel on the 5th of each new month is your net income (after Webnovel took his cut). If you see 200$ there, in my case I would get around 180$.

      To be honest, if you write decently and enough it's not too hard to earn above 500$, even 1k,but beyond this you will be competing against other authors since the number of readers on the app is finite.

      It's also very dependent on your number of premium chapters. So except if you get a good influx of readers, you won't earn much in the beginning. So better takes it as a hobby if you're not confident enough to take the risk.

      • Everything has been said. I would just add that a view is counted each time a chapter is opened and it can be done repeatedly (for example, if I read a story I like a second time, I'm still adding views to the total number.). Basically, it works like youtube.

        As said above as well, it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things. I would rather have them revamp their rating/reviewing system so that the authors that don't delete review and have good rating can have the attention they deserve instead of having their novel drowned amongst the trash with absurdly high rating. I've never seen a place where every content is between 4.4 and 4.9 except here. I guess we're all genius authors 🤷‍♂️

        • Yurikoshiba.

          A premium chapter about 1500words long is worth 8 coins. It's around 0.043$ (can go up to 0.0435$) per chapter in my case once webnovel and google took their cut.

          • Half_Dragon.

            Why not, but you need to write it first. 4 chapters is nothing much for any translator to do the effort. Webnovel wants to develop their french and german sections, so you can first give it a try in french to test the audience. If the feedback is good, what must happen will happen eventually.

            • Well, she's like Voldemort, but Webnovel version. Her name is taboo here. Maybe the truth will come out in the open one day and we'll be proven wrong, but tbh I doubt it.

            • Darth_Xiane.

              If it's just one reader you can probably ignore him/her, especially if the other comments are rather positive.

              However, always remember that only 1-10% of a reader base is active in the comment section. For one comment like this there's 10-100 readers that share the same view. If you can improve this scene to make it clearer don't hesitate. Yet, you can't satisfy everyone. If that's the fact that the MC is not the perfect OP alpha male he/she was looking for, there's not much you can do.

              I think most fantasy webnovel readers know the difference between goblins, kobolds and orcs, but it is still better to redefine them and have your own take about this to refresh the concept. In some anime/novels, orcs look like fallen elves with dark skin and bestial attributes(Lord of the Rings) , while in some others they look like pigs(japanese animes mostly), or grotesque bipedal monster. Same for goblins. They're generally small, green and ugly with pointy ears, but you can find stories where goblins can actually look handsome and beautiful, barely smaller than a normal human with similar physical traits except for the greenish skin.

              So, if you haven't clearly explained these differences from the start, it is indeed advised to do it.

              • Flawed characters are not an issue if there's character growth planned. I don't like anti-heros permanently flawed, especially if I can't relate to these flaws (an addict, a very stupid MC, a dense MC that has no awareness/desire for the opposite sex ect..)

                The only flaws I can't deal with at all are author flaws: Basically when a character do very stupid things he/she shouldn't do under the premise that he/she is supposed to be smart. It's bad writing. When many readers can spot obvious mistakes like that there's an issue.

                If a character acts out of character (for example a shy guy that suddenly acts bold, or a bad guy suddenly being nice, an aloof cold virgin girl falling in love with the MC at first sight (almost every harem) ect.. ), it's bad writing too.

                Now, I think every author even the best writers do mistakes like this once in a while. As long as they're able to take the criticisms to improve it's fine. After all, all the original novels here are first draft.

                • sebacmieu.

                  Because there's none. So in french, you would simply use the same words: "cultiver", "culture" or "raffiner", "raffinement".

                  "Cultiver son/le Qi" exists in french, and doing an anglicism (using cultivation instead of culture because in french the word culture is misleading) is in my opinion better==>
                  "Cultiver/Raffiner son Qi"
                  "La cultivation/le raffinement du Qi"

                  • HotRedFlaming.

                    The problem is that the uncertainty of not knowing if a novel will be translated till the end kills any chance for these novels to get paying readers. The strongest appeal of translated novels compared to originals was that they were already completed(sometimes edited) and so readers didn't have to fear that these novels would be dropped by their authors.

                    On the short term, Webnovel indeed focuses more on benefits, but on the long run having 1000s of unfinished novels in their library won't do them any good. I would also add that the communication is about as bad as it can be. Most of these novels have simply been dropped without any warnings.

                    • Veronica8.

                      I still think that chinese propaganda has a lot to do with all these chinese racist novels/authors

                      My country has been occupied by Germany during the WW2, but I never met any french people racist against german people. There could be some among the older generation that suffered some traumas ect.. but a french young or middle age person hating german people? I've never seen one and in my opinion it can be summed up in 2 words: "No propaganda".

                      Now, I don't say propaganda or racism doesn't exist in my country, far from that, but it is hidden. You can write a novel with racist elements, but if it's obvious that your novel conveys an incitation to racial hatred, you can be sure you would never be allowed to publish anything. Comparatively, it's clear that the chinese government encourages that.

                      I remember the novel God of Devil World. I liked it a lot in the beginning and then racism began. The MC was basically racist against any people that wasn't chinese. Able to justify the slaughter/rape of entire villages of indonesians/japaneses/vietnameses under the excuse that they deserved it after what they had done to China in the past. At this point, even if you know it's just a novel, it becomes so wrong that you can feel that the author really thinks like this.

                      • What I find truly frustrating with this review system is that we all have the same rating, good or bad stories.

                        My 4.8 is genuine (I don't say it is worth 4.8 though. 4.8 should be a near perfect masterpiece) : except for 1 star review at chap0 reading status, I've deleted every 5 stars spam reviews. I only keep one from each reader since we can't check our readers' profile anymore either.

                        It is frustrating because with this review system, my rating becomes worthlesss and even worse people will accuse me to manipulate my ratings. A too good rating basically becomes your worst enemy to bring new readers when it should have been the most trustworthy indicator to decide if a story is worth reading or not.

                        The problem is that even if you can prevent authors to delete bad reviews, there's still ways to keep a good rating with bots and alt accounts.

                        I have a long list of novels/authors that I could mention here that keep every 5 stars spam reviews and/or delete bad reviews(even legit ones). I could even give you a few that I suspect to use bots/alt accounts to drown their review section with spam 5 star reviews.

                        Now even if Webnovel doesn't have enough staff to create a real moderation team, there's one thing to implement that would fix 80% of the problem: Readers should only be able to review a story once. If at some point their opinion of the novel changed, they can just edit their former review.

                        Believe me... That's the first step.

                        • My opinion as a contracted author and reader is that Webnovel is not flexible enough.

                          Every contracted author/novel has the same treatment. It is also true for translated novels. The thing is that there's sometimes a huge gap between these novels whether it is because of the awful grammar of some, the bad translation, or the easy going cliche stories full of minor/big plot holes.

                          The fact that these contracted/premium works have the same treatment/prices give the message that it is the same quality.

                          Webnovel should first set some tiers/prices according to the objective qualities (edited work, standard of grammar ect..). But also include the option of buying finished/edited volumes at a set price under an epub format. (because if webnovel app/website is shut down you can't access what you paid for anymore)

                          Last, as everything in other markets, webnovels should depreciate. The price per word right now is the price of a new printed edited book. Normally, old webnovels over 5 years old should have a lower price (1/2 to 1/5 of their current price depending of their years of existence). It's not possible to catch up reading an active webnovel over 1000-2000 chapters for most readers. It's just too expensive.

                          In the end, I would still try a real membership system with full access to the library, but apparently it was not viable for the authors even if I think once again that Webnovel was not flexible enough. There could have been different prices for different types of readers and on the long run it would have brought more readers.


                          If you say this to justify the fact you read on illegal websites, there's nothing to be proud of. Free reading on wattpad ect.. has always existed, but even after years of existence you can't find many stories as long as the ones on Webnovel(and personally I hardly find anything of my tastes there. Only bitlit seems to be successful and overflowing.) It's obvious that writing by passion alone is not enough to feed an author. Sooner or later, without support authors have to work to make a living, that's a fact. By passion, most authors write slowly and more sporadically when they feel like it or when they feel inspired. After all, writing seriously at anytime is not relaxing, it needs true efforts.

                          • Deleteduser87

                            He means that every female section webnovel looks the same. 80% if not 90% of the female lead novels have either the word "doctor", "ceo", "wife", "billionaire", "husband", "love" or "kiss" in their title.

                            And for having read a fews to learn how to write romantic scenes, well all the tropes and cliches are already overused.

                            And I know from discord that my female readers read my novel because they can't find female lead novels that are not romance centered. It's like 95% of the female readers are stuck in their childhood dream of meeting a Prince with his white horse that would give her the moon (which by the way is exactly the patriarcal stuff that feminists try to put an end to. A paradox, since webnovel just proves that most girls seem to be perfectly fine with current society 🤷‍♂️)

                            Now, I don't say every female lead novel is like that nor that it's a problem either. It's just an observation. Male lead novels have their own cliche and tropes, but at least it doesn't show too much in the title and there's a wide range of novels from eastern/western fantasy to sci/magical realisme, video games and romance. Of course, romance is almost never the focal point of the story, but it's generally there too since we're not beast either.

                            • Uncle_Sheogorath

                              Well, I can tell you I have 150 reviews, with the lowest rating being a 3. You can come on discord and I can show you a screenshot film where I scroll down all my reviews history(the deleted reviews can still be found there).

                              The only reviews I deleted were spamming 5 stars and one 1 star review slandering me from a reader who hasn't read the story (and still hasn't) and was basically just accusing me of deleting reviews. And I have a screenshot of every review I deleted for webnovel staff in case of harassing or for anyone curious.

                              So yeah, stories with high rating exists(And I could tell you a few names) , because it also has a lot to do with the readers' profile of a story. Take Vampire System for example. Popular, but young audience. Fast paced, with common tropes so naturally not for veteran readers. 1st in ranking, but with many1-2-3 stars rating. The thing is, neither the 5 stars nor the 1-2 stars are fair rating. (not any novel on the app by the way, my novel is no exception) Because, a mature reader would find it too childish to read it, even less to bother writing a review (and if he/she does, the review would surely be kept because constructive, with an objective tone.), while the immature ones rant against or magnify anything they enjoy or hate. Some reviews are bordeline disrespectful if not clearly insulting while other will say it is the best novel they ever read and praise you like a genius. If you wouldn't dare to use the same tone in front of a real person in real life, then why should an author working hard to write a story endure them? It's not about ego, but self-respect.

                              Now, I don't say some authors don't delete reviews abusively/bot their way up ect.. and we all know them. We can't even mention their names in webnovel forum and the authors already reported them for naught. So clearly, it won't stop anytime soon before Webnovel decides to hire some moderators to enforce this instead of giving full power to the authors.

                            • Without trying to sound rude, having Only I level up as favorite novel is only possible if one hasn't read anything else. It is an entry read for new webnovels readers. Enjoyable, but with many objective flaws. (Imo the manga is better, at least you don't feel the rushed pace)

                              Martial World, Kings of God ect.. are not entry read but suffer from over used cliche/tropes/repetitive plots. After 2-300 chapters it's like reading the same story over and over with new characters, new realms and new places. It's lazy writing, as enjoyble as they can be.

                              Now, I've begun to read webnovel with these same cliche/fast food webnovels and I used to love them too. I read a lot of them, and after a while you can guess the plot everytime, which kills any chance to enjoy them. So if they're still enjoyable for you, enjoy because it won't last.

                              For translated webnovels with a deep/researched plot there's only Lord of Mysteries and Reverend Insanity. The others all lost their way at some point past a couple hundred of chapters. If anyone has a webnovel like these two to recommend me feel free to do it.

                              • Sythcake

                                That's not what I said. I mean toxic readers. Those that will pick on anything that triggers them to let a mean comment/review.

                                Of course, constructive reviews are not the same. But once again someone able to write constructive reviews will be able to mention the good and bad points of a novel. I don't think there is any novel (even on this app) so bad that one can't even find one good redeeming point.

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