GD_Cruz yeah i would like to show you to ive been using that book since year 7... 3 years ago now and both my stories were started in the last 3 years one of them started as a school project called the key.

- Jan 3, 2020
- Joined Sep 12, 2019
GD_Cruz yeah whats your story? i have two and they are both based in my drawing book with unfortunatly i cant show you
hello people i would like to read some realistic stories that hove only the smallest hint of sc-fi/fantasy any ideas?
Nyah_Perez whats this for
Darth_Gizmo hmm i think my stories may be happy? ime not sure...
ShinSungmi yeah sure
yeah... hi all who decide to read this... could you check out my books? i don't have many chapters yet they are called "Mind Benders" and "The Academy For Heroes And Demi-gods of Undiscovered Earth" pleas read and commment
HolyScheisse you could try mine i don't have many chapters yet tho..
hi would anyone check out my stories?