Sweet_Vanilla553 Dropped a powerstone for you, boss.
If you'd be so kind as to do the honors, here's my work ^_^
Sweet_Vanilla553 Dropped a powerstone for you, boss.
If you'd be so kind as to do the honors, here's my work ^_^
Evening lads - dropping my output here.
Y'all won't regret having a look, I promise you
Instead of relying on the automatic grammar checker to do all the work, it may be more helpful to you in the long run to note down the most frequent mistakes it detects. From there, you'd then want to research on those errors and on how to avoid them.
I've got Grammarly premium, but I generally make do without it - and even when I do use it, it's for technical writing purposes. It's dead useful, but if we end up relying on it too much, it could become a crutch.
TheOneWho_Asked That'd be much appreciated, yes
Here's the link - https://www.webnovel.com/book/angel-of-wrath_23647308605930705
TIA bud ^_^
TheOneWho_Asked Thought I'd do you a solid - have a look.
((Also, about the .hack series, do try and watch at least .hack//SIGN if you can - given the similar themes and premise, I don't doubt going through that anime would help you come up with more ideas))
GMSJakers Done, go have a look.
Your output wouldn't be out of place as a teens show on Nickelodeon or Disney, and I mean that in an entirely sincere and complimentary way
JustGoDie13 All done - thanks for the laughs, boss.
Did you take inspiration from Bruce Almighty and/or Oh God?
f0011 Sleep deprivation and burnout do take their toll. If you say I copypasted because I was lazy, that could just as easily be said about you not checking back to see the previous posts here to see who responded to the review swap YOU asked for.
So, sure, I made an honest mistake - my bad, I admit it. The question, of course, is whether it excuses that rudeness and arrogance on your part. Because even granting that I'm in the wrong for not checking which book I was (re)posting that review to, that doesn't give you a free pass for bad behavior.
If I was in the wrong, then so are you.
Man, whatever. It said 'limit reached' or something on my end when I tried to post it, which is why I had to copypaste it here on this thread in the first place (seriously, scroll up to the posts here from a day ago).
The reasonable thing to do would've been to clarify it with me, or say something like 'different book, check again'. You didn't reciprocate with the first review swap or even reply to my copypaste of that review on this thread (which, AGAIN, I only posted here in the first place because it didn't register on my end when I tried posting it over on your book itself), so as it is, I assumed you didn't see it the first time.
It's your right not to have a look at my output if you're unwilling to do so, but you don't get to throw around unwarranted accusations.
PS - Since I'm here anyway, allow me to revise my feedback. I stand by what I said about your output and writing having potential, but I'd also add that some lessons on good manners and right conduct would do you a lot of good too.
f0011 Hey there
I checked out your work the other day and left a review in this thread after it said 'review limit has been reached' (or something to that effect - scroll up and you'll find it here, too).
The limit issue doesn't seem to be a problem anymore, so I managed to repost it on the proper review section this time around.
I hope you take my advice to heart
Burn out so I'll drop mine:
ChaosInvoker - Angel of Wrath
https://www.webnovel.com/book/angel-of-wrath_23647308605930705### (WN)
https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3363678/1/Angel-of-Wrath (Fictionpress)
I'd also cite the merits of establishing a routine. Myself, I like taking a walk to rack up my step count before sitting down and writing. Apart from the obvious health benefits, I've found it easier to come up with good ideas while on the move.
Motivation doesn't always last and willpower doesn't always work, and when either of those fails, having a set routine guarantees at least SOME output on your part.
Bumping this.
I know WN actually listened to reason (good of them, by the way), but all the same, I'd still say we'd all do well to post our output on multiple platforms whenever and wherever possible. I've recently had 90% of my written work over the past decade go byebye when the websites I posted them on went down, and it's not a feeling I'd wish on anyone else.
f0011 As requested, I've checked your work and left a few words
EDIT: it says review limit reached, so I'll post it here.
Considering English isn't your first language, you've gotten a good grasp on it so far. There's room for improvement in terms of grammar (Grammarly's got lots of articles on common writing mistakes and how to avoid them), especially where the comma splices, tense consistency and punctuation use is concerned, but it's nothing that a good proofread and rewrite can't fix. Keep at it.
CallieLy Thanks loads.
Left a few words on your output as well
If only that were the case.
I can't even check my own work on my laptop, and it's an original.
Dropping my output here, too.
Also PM me on discord (look for evilpanda / ChaosInvoker on the WSA server)
I generally upload my stuff on multiple platforms. Apart from WN, it's also on Belletristica and Fictionpress, and I'm considering upping on others as well.
Webnovel - https://www.webnovel.com/book/angel-of-wrath_23647308605930705
Fictionpress - https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3363678/1/Angel-of-Wrath
Belletristica - https://belletristica.com/en/books/47126-angel-of-wrath/chapter/255205-chapter-1-not-in-a-thousand-years