Water0202020 omg! I see lots original novel here posted on that site.
@Cobyboy : your novel is there too

- May 4, 2019
- Joined Mar 22, 2018
CrinkleMania Why you diss like that, @Cobyboy may not have professional grade writing (I can't say since I have not read Coyboy's book) but don't simply say stuff like
CrinkleMania Coby is shit and his novel is bad hahaha
If you think they can improve, only state where they need improvements, preferably with a how they can achieve this.
Symmetroval It is as @Cobyboy has said.
The book @Cobyboy wanted to suggest is: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10346951405011505/PS-I'm-(not)-Over-You
or mobile link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/10346951405011505?keyword=PS%20I%27m%20(not)%20Over%20You&source=search