If anybody wants to review swap.
The Iron Chain
It is a sci-fi fantacy hybrid.

- Jun 26, 2021
- Joined Jun 18, 2020
The Iron Chain - The importance of perspective of ego
It's a sci-fi fantasy hybrid. If that sounds interesting to you lets triad.Wolfick He was a man, and he reincarnated into a robot.
That could be changed when they get the other half of their memories back. Like a she transitioned in to a he then reincarnated. But that gets in to the Dumbledore situation that never quite works out the way the author intends.
Wolfick Transgender takes gender as seperate from sex, in which it is a factor of identity rather than physiology. LGBTQ is about exploring yourself and your gender (which has been separated from sex).
I do think that definition can still fit in my working model. Their mind is their own while their body is what others perceive of them. A goddess can campaign to become a god. But ultimately it is not up to them to be what others see as a man. Making gender reassignment more in the realm of politics than medicine. I don't know which version is worse.
In the end I don't think I am going to add the tag. But I do want to thank you for helping me flesh out my concepts more. Hopefully it makes for a better story people will like reading.
The Iron Chain - The importance of perspective of ego
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Isekai, God and GoddessesSynopsis
Imagine waking up in a robotic body with your memories half destroyed. Finding out that you are in a hostile land of fantasy and magic with little means of communication or survival. And the only hope you have is to track down random signals that have a chance of leading you to upgrades, allies, traps and or enemies.
Luckily for Nick, he wont do all that alone. Along with his companion Hasso, they will work hard for the answers they seek.
If anybody wants to review swap.
Here's mine
It's a scifi, fantasy, action, adventure.Wolfick You are going to have to explain this one more. So he used to be male, but now does not have a gender? Does he have genitals?
1 A is a human from earth with half their memories missing, waking up in a robotic humanoid body with no genitalia. The reader fallows them to find out what happened. Giving a grounded standard for reaction to the culture of the world through culture shock and not just exposition dump.
Wolfick So do they have genitals? An again, do they change? So they have a sex, but they just change it on a whim?
I haven't gone in to graphic detail in the story but in my mind, yes. X has male genitalia. Their genitalia can change from male to female and other variations, in my mind. But they have little to no say on when or if they change.
The deities are physical representations of phenomena in the world. Given flesh by magic, prayer and devotion. Their followers dictate their sex/genitalia. If enough believers believe that X is male he will have that genitalia. This applies to the body and not the mind. Their mind is created and reflective of the power they have domain over. They can be an incorporeal representation of powers if they are not believed in or not worshiped enough.
At least that's my working theory, subject to change, don't hold me to it. But hopefully this helps you to understand.
Wolfick Looks like I failed again. My main character A has memories of being male but they are in a sex neutral body.
"What you are talking about the gods having an interchangeable gender, as they can essentially jump between being a male and a female is something done plenty before, but this isn’t about lgbtq."
I understand this point but in the story X has not changed his physical characteristics in any way. And he sill has no problem admitting he was with a 'force full man' that took charge. But these are just in conversations. I do not feel I am adiquate enough to write a compelling sex scene straight, gay or other. I am not closed to gender swapping any god potentiality but haven't explored it in any way.
And I know for a fact that most of what I am doing has been done in some way before. And probably better than I ever could. I just hope someone likes my story.
And I want to thank you for indulging me in this thought exercise. I do value your input and hope it makes me a better writer.SrtaA Thanks for your input. And the most graphic thing so far is just "He indulged in his harem." and eluding to his homosexuality. I have no real plans on adding any sex scenes to the story. I am having a hard time developing explanations for fight scenes. And I think sex is harder to capture well in words than a fight.
I just didn't know if I should put the LGBTQ tag on or not and thought it would be better discussed here than in a review of my story.
And I do appreciate your opinion.Wolfick Thank you for your input. I do appreciate it. But I am a little confused because I probably portray my point incorrectly.
Let me try and probably fail again.
I have the main plot, lets call that 1. 1 has two characters that the story revolves around A, B. They identify as male but that is all I have explored. They are not in their home world.
I have a second point of view of this world Lets call this 2. 2 is the view of the deities of the world. X is the main part of this. They identify as he, their sexuality is fluid. They are the pinnacle of the pantheon. They take pride in the fact they have a harem made of different types of men and women. I liked the thought of a deity that radiates brilliance being a proud hedonistic black hole of lust and how that would effect a world. X effects all gods (and goddesses) religions and governments in some way. But I only scratched the surface of how far that goes in my story so far.
Does this help explain why I am asking?Uncle_Sheogorath When you say protagonists do you mean just the MC?
I am just new to writing and don't quite get the fine lines in the definitions.
And thanks for your opinion.- In Anime Fan?
kitsumirae I am also an anime fan. Have been for over 20 years now with a break here and there. I have too many favorites to list.
But my top one has been and will probably always be Kino's Journey (2003) Just hit me at the right time and I think it still holds up. And if you said you haven't seen it I think you have missed out.
If anybody would like to review swap.
Mine is a male lead, sci-fi, fantasy. If that sounds good give it a shot.
Here it isDaoist5mvRv6 Hope you like my review.
The_Mad_Titan Just posted my review. Hope you like it.
Here's mineMarkGil Reviewed yours. Hope you like it.
[unknown] I left a review. Hope you like it.
Here's mineWolfsBane Hope you like the review.
Here's mineAnybody willing to review swap with me.
Here's mineI have a supportive character that is hedonistic and swings both ways. Is having this character make my story LBGTQ tag worthy? Is there a rule on here for that or is it just personal opinion?
If it's personal opinion tell me yours.
goldenchild725 ichichustudios Yoan_Roturier
Just left a review.
Here's mine