I actually want to hear your guys opinion regarding historical fiction. I am not particularly new to this website, but before, I only posted the chapters of my stories. And I began looking for something to read quite recently. The majority of the stories I see here have some kind of fantasy setting, but are there outstanding stories that are grounded in reality, but still are fictional? If so, I would love to see some recommendations! Also, if anyone is interested, then I will provide the link to my book. It is set in post Great War France and the story has mystery aspects to it, but no fantasy... Well, kinda.

- Sep 12, 2024
- Joined Nov 9, 2022
- Edited
Reading it did not take long indeed. Newer chapters are pretty good. I am not perfect at reviewing, but I hope some of my notices will be helpful for you!
I will be delightful if you also check out my story. It is set in the first half of the 20th century, more of a historical read