
  • Joined Feb 15, 2018
  • Zenobys

    Chapter 15 and chapter 18 are the identical.
    Chapter 11 and 13 has the same problem.

    Different titles but same chapter content word for word.

    For example:

    Chapter 15: Torso Refiner

    "Both spurred their horses at full speed then headed out of town.

    They traveled for about half the day and rested in the woods in the afternoon."

    Chapter 18: Danger Zone

    "Both spurred their horses at full speed then headed out of town.

    They traveled for about half the day and rested in the woods in the afternoon."

    You can tell that the chapters are mismatched just from reading chapter 18 to 19 on QI. Chapter 18 ends off chugging some pills for cultivation and out of nowhere chapter 19 starts off with a life and fight. Plus, the content of chapter 18 in way suggests anything related to a danger zone like the title suggest.So you can clearly deduce that someone accidentally copied the content of chapter 15 onto chapter 18 (at least that what is shown on QI).

    Probably someone accidentally copied over the content of one chapter over the other. Aka someone fked up

    • N0xiety

      To supplement:

      "My bottom line was crossed after we solved out that issue. An employee of China Reader using the nickname sunny double backstabbed me and GSD. This is the sole reason why I’m going to drop TDK. I hope QI will find a new translator who would be finishing the project in the future."


      • inovade2

        Translators aren't making anything from it currently. It has varying effects depending on how much extra money the translator made from patreon. The more patreons they had, the worse the affect. That's why the immortal mortal translator (lost over 1/3 of his income) complained about it and WSSTH old translator quitting over (among other reasons). Atm, those translator that had a huge patreon following are pretty much making less money for the same amount of work. It wouldn't be surprised if some of the translator are demoralized due to it.

        The only positive is that from the WSSTH translator quitting post is that QI (rather CKtalon) revealed that a royalty contract in works in 2-3 months. The downside (there always is) is they lose the guaranteed fixed pay in the process. It could be a boon for the popular novels, but ill-advised for non-popular ones because they can end up making less money for the same amount work.

        Atm there isn't real financial incentive for tls to give extra effort into tling more chapters.

        On topic, I mean QI has actual data on views/ss usage/power stone/etc on each novel so they have a much clearer idea on which novels should go premium. It's doesn't matter if you don't like a novel (WSSTH/Rebirth), QI has enough data to have a good inkling that they make more $$$ by having that novel go premium.

        • jcoth

          Well no doubt WSSTH is more popular (more $$$ when QI introduces royalty contracts in 2-3 months) than MAM, so that appeals to translator. Not to mention, the old translator left behind glossary for it for WSSTH. Whereas MAM (non-premium novel) will take much more work like building up a glossary to ensure a smooth transition on a Plus, the new translator will have to fix up mistakes of the old translator (if they were really bad). Kinda sad the translator from TN failed the QA else readers would of have 100+ new chapters months ago. But it's for the best, i mean they have to be pretty bad if they even managed to fail QI's quality assurance.


          WSSTH= War Sovereign Soaring Through the Heavens. We're around 800-1000 chapters out of 3k+ chapter. Basically, WSSTH Translator quit 1-2 days ago and QI found a translator within a couple of hours. Though, it doesn't matter if the new translator fails the QA. Only time will tell, but at least they have advanced chapter left behind by the old translator to fall back on.

          Your mistaking it with I shall seal the heavens from WW. It's been completed for awhile now on WW.

          As for those MAM chapters that failed the QA that means that there should be something wrong with the translator's skill (especially if they have to find a new translator afterward). Sure, you can edit it like crazy but it doesn't change the fact that your building something on a faulty foundation. If it was just a simple problem that editing can fix then why need to find a new translator again?

          • jcoth

            Last i checked on the post about him quitting, WSSTH's translator said they already replaced him with new translator.

            "Besides that, QI found a new TL 30mins after my post went live, so no problem there either." -KurazyTolanzuraytor

            • BlueCastle

              Not sure if i'm reading your comment correctly, but he's only dropping/discontinuing WSSTH (quitting QI at the same time). In either case of TE and WSSTH, he has expressed permission to translate the english version of the novel by the copyright owner. Main difference is that he has ownership of the english translation of TE versus signing over his translation to QI (for WSSTH). No one is getting cheated in this case, so i have no clue with it was brought up for this case.

              WSSTH isn't leaving QI. QI is probably in the process of finding a replacement translator for the novel. There are several problems that QI is probably going to face. First, QI is already trying to find replacement translators for other series (but WSSTH probably will get priority due to popularity). Second, QI needs to find a find a translator of equal or greater quality or else people are going to complain. Finally, it's going to take time for translation to resume due to new translator getting used to the terms/names (800+ chaps) if you expect the new translator to do a decent job.

              • WW announced they are going to finish HJC in around 2-3 months. So given the speed increase, why would people jump ship, it's not like the quality will get any better. If given a choice, i'll just sit back and wait to read the complete HJC under one complete translator (ch 1 - of most of what QI has is from them anyway).

                I really don't get why QI is wasting time & money on a nearly complete novel on a different site when there are plenty other novels they could start or finish off on their site. Though this move has earned some praise but this equally earned as much (if not more) ire. On the other hand, people would only praise QI for picking up a new novel or a discontinued one. There is a whole section on the forum for novel, what's the point of writing there if you guys don't even check it. Surely any of those were better choices.

                • Miya


                  Apparently there a contradiction, it seems like the sole beneficiary of the premium system is Qidain. Also, translator aren't the one to set the price for premium chapter either, that's also on QI's hand.

                  There in fact seems to be no benefit for the translators/novels entering the premium system. They lose out if they are contracted translator with patreon account (forced closure). In the case of immortal mortal, they had about a 40% fall in income.

                  You argue support for Premium system because it would potentially bring more benefits for the translator (i can stand behind that and more understanding of the premium system if that were the case). However, we have testimony that states that isn't the case and it is potentially harmful to some. Can you stand behind that?

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