[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
[unknown] Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
RomanceFanatic028 Systems. Their for one a giant crutch for authors and two are completely unoriginal. Three; you can more or less predict how they will progress.
We need to band together! Systems are crutchs. They limit an authors potential! Good simple ideas, whether fanficbor just a simple noval idea, there is a system involved. I'm tired of good authors wasting their potential, being limited by systems. There relatively easy to write and people usually click on them. Share your thought. Recommend a underappreciated non-system related noval. intriguing ideas are allowed too. Pls no spam. Thank you for reading my thought are such a topic!