sm_yesa I just got through reading and reviewing my thoughts. I must say your novel was pretty interesting. I’m not one for romance novels but, I can stick around for yours.
sm_yesa I just got through reading and reviewing my thoughts. I must say your novel was pretty interesting. I’m not one for romance novels but, I can stick around for yours.
rydertheking done
rydertheking I’ll trade with you.
GMSJakers I’ll trade with you if you want. Just read 3 chapters and review and I’ll do the same.
f0011 I’ll read and review with honest criticism for you, when your back online pls do the same.
Mayline_Carraro done. Could you also read and review mine as well.
Mayline_Carraro Sure I’ll do it right now.
The_Swimming_Moon I can do a review swap if you want.
AYESHA_FAHIM Hay I saw that you were doing review swaps. If you aren’t busy could you maybe do a review swap with me as well. I would really appreciate constructive criticism, I only have three chapters as of now so you wouldn’t have much to read. Additionally I’ll review your novel as well right now.