
  • Sep 8, 2022
  • Joined Jan 27, 2018
  • I have been looking for a specific novel that I can't remember the name of if someone can help me find it. The details I remember of the novel are that the main character is male. And that humanity alongside other species have been tossed into a death match of sorts. The story starts with Mc being middle aged and humanity is on its last legs when the Mc dies he travels back in time to when he first got summoned to this world (they were sent in waves) the starting level he spawned on was if I remember correctly a bunch of skyscrapers that are connected via bridges and you must travel by these bridges because on the ground level there are these tall black creatures that will tear you to shreds at one point they go to kill a specific golden version of this creature (there are multiple golden ones) the MC masquerades as a member of this powerful organization for most of the first act I think they called themselves angels or something but they always kept themselves masked. That's about all I cam remember of it other than some small details. If this sounds familiar to anyone and if you know the name it would be most appreciated.

  • I’ll will get a notification saying a new chapter for a novel has been released. However when I go to the novel the chapter doesn’t appear in the chapter list (Ex. IM really a super star I’ve been letting the chapters build up but the chapter stoped showing up 4 days ago I had to remove the novel from my library then re add it for the chapters to show up.) another example is say ive read up chapter 90 and decided to wait until there were 100 chapters to read again after 5 days the novel will have 95 chapters and I will be able to see all 5 of them but for the next 5 days I’ll get notified that the chapters were released but I’ll still only de up to ch.95 while the novels main page says there are 100 chapters.
    That’s my insane word count for this I hoped I explained it well and I’m looking forward to a fix

  • I wish they would the pick back up apocalypse meltdown it’s been without an update for a month now

    • I’m having an issue with some of my novels on the iPhone app. For some of the novels (not all) when I want to scroll to the next chapter to read it will try and load the chapter but then tell me I’m not connected and need to try again later. This is only happening on a few of the novels in my library as I’m able to read other novels. And I’m able to post this here I’m wondering what the issue is any help?

      • The novel currently has no translator as the translations of the novel were getting really bad to the point that the editor Valvrave had to use google translate to retranslate a lot of the words in each chapter practically making Valvrave the editor and translator. So until a new translator is found the novel will be on hiatus as Valvrave has another novel he works on My MCV Doomsday you should check it out its really good zombie novel. Honestly Valvrave has had it hard working on apocalypse meltdown almost entirely on his own.

        • WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Slick I want a mass release for ‘The Nine Cauldrons’ because they are not sticking to there release quota it’s been 5 days since a new chapter has dropped and they said that chapters drop on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so basically there hasn’t been a chapter since Sunday

          • Ok I’m not sure if it’s just me but now that this is the second time happening to me I’m gonna speak out. For the second time ALL of my books were deleted from my library and I had to find them one by one to add them back on top of that I had toxins the exact chapter I was cause of this bug it didn’t save my exact chapter as this is the second time I’m getting annoyed of it if this is happening to anyone else I ask that you upvote this thread to make them aware and work on solution to fix it

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