I paid for 1000 coins +10% ie an extra 100 coins and only got 1000. Just another scam from webnovel...

- Oct 13, 2022
- Joined Jul 9, 2018
- Edited
Coins are absolutely to expensive. The full trilogy of LOTR's in leatherback + the Hobbit cost maybe 150$. While a book writen by a complete novis, when payed for chapter to chapter using coins, can cost in excess of 400$ or 500$. For example,books such as LoHP with more than 2000 chapters (pages). We're not entitled, WN is a scam.
Privledge expires after 30 days. You are then moved back to the most recent non privledge chapter and have to wait for the chapters to catch up to where you left off. At that time, you are the only guy who paid 2500 SS to get to that chapter. Or you can rent all 50 chapters again in order to read the next 1 you left off on.
MiddleEastern. Privledge expires after 30 days, they are greed incarnate
Do not pay for privledge!! Its a complete scam, it expires after 30 days and you don't get to stay where you are in your book. You restart at non-privledge chapter cap and have to wait how ever long it takes your novel to catch up to the chapter you left off on. If you paid for 50 chapters and your book releases 1 a day, it will take 51 days to see what would have been chapter 51 OR you can pay for the 50 chapters a third time to see the next 1 chapter for a month.