I applied recently as well, I'm also curious

- Mar 1, 2023
- Joined Aug 30, 2018
At first, I thought it was a small issue and maybe it would be fixed if I tried later on but no. Even after a few days I'm still unable to change my profile picture for some reason.
I tried to change it both by clicking on it in my profile page, and in the settings page, but both of them don't work.
thanks for all of your replies, i'll go with fantasy once i do release it.
The novel i'm writing at the moment both includes fantasy and sci-fi elements, where the world is that of a fantasy, and the MC is from a sci-fi background with the tools to create his army of machines.
I'm unsure what genre to give this novel, if i give it sci-fi, it wouldn't convey properly what the novel is, and if i make it fantasy, the same issue is there.
Should i just try and make the cover clearly sci-fi, for example, and the genre fantasy? or should i just go with one of the two genre's instead of bothering to mix them up? if so, which one?
You might say i'm overthinking this, and you're probably right, but it still bothers me god deng it!
I've been wanting to write something for a while and I've been thinking of something sci-fi/cyberpunk, but I don't see many sci-fi novels that are popular. Are there not many fans of sci-fi on webnovel? Would fantasy be a better choice? Although I'd love to write cyberpunk, I'd prefer that my work to be read by more people.
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I'm currently reading only 5 novels. I'd read more but my schedule's been busy lately
I'm probably the only one from here lolWill there be another competition like this another time?
AerynSun thing is i'm actually pretty confident about my grammar, but i don't think my "story" is interesting enough, or that it is so complicated that nobody will understand what the hell is going on, so i keep trashing them.
been doing this for a few months now lol. Though, I plan on releasing something sooner than later this month, maybe join the competition.
sometimes i find myself writing 2k words for a chapter then later i cant even come up with 500 lmao
Also i've written like 15-20 different starts for my novels but i still haven't released one. I'm too much of a perfectionist i guess...
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SinisterSmile I think its for people who have made contracts with webnovel
Might be mistaken though- Edited
Although he would prefer jobs that aren't bad, he'd still do that for the money.
His cheat is something that makes him able to learn things very quickly, maybe something related to that?
not much of an education nor skills since the character is actually pretty young 10-13~Needs enough money to buy books mostly
Maybe i should just make him steal? hmmm
Again, I'm sorry for not giving much details
sorry, I forgot to mention that its in a fantasy setting and the mc is an orphan
As the title says, I'm currently writing a novel and plan on posting it after I've figured out how the story is going to progress and end...
but before that my mc needs to make money somehow to get the things he needs but I just can't think of a way for him to do it <.<
It's kind of embarrasing to ask for this but could anyone let me know of a good way for him to make money? thanks.- Edited
I usually start with the races, their countries and their borders on the map
Then continue from there as ideas come to my mind
Which takes a very long timeThough take what i say with a grain of salt since i'm a newbie myself
Alright, now it got more confusing...
Is there a way to view the novels that enter the contest?
Misguided_Rooster Thanks for letting me know!