Bloom759 you all have good options

- Jan 4, 2024
- Joined Dec 31, 2018
- In Flaws?
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Wolfick thank you
- In Flaws?
Iqfauli I respect your opinion, its a good point.
- In Flaws?
Bloom759 flaws and insecurities can make the novel realistic and interesting, if we think about it, its allowing reader with the exact same feeling to feel like there not the only ones.
- In Flaws?
In each romance novel we read, why are the main two attractions perfect?, Should they be?, could we be more realistic?
For instance weight, hight, insecurities, fears, features.
Let's see your opinion!
My opinion is,I like flaws in a novel, I like how realistic it makes it seem, I am a person with freckles and its nice be able read novels with character/people with the same flaws, also adding a little description of the characters/peoples flaws can allow your reader to imagine/picture what the characters look like.
What's your opinions? - In New chapter
This is quite a long time since I have been on webnovel, may I say thank you for your feedback and comments, I was 17 at the time and i am dyslexic over the years I have worked on and improved,so hopefully with a planned out structure and story line I will be able to produce something good, fingers crossed x - In New chapter
- In New chapter
bigbear51 yeah sure thank you :)
- In New chapter
bigbear51 thank you for your help,I believe I'm going to keep it kn the level that it's at but add more interesting details like in the novel their letters that's been passed by two oen pals so I'm going to add the letters in and make the story as interesting as possible making sure readers a re satisfied:) but thank you again its helpful :)
- In New chapter
So I currently have a novel that has taken off really well, I'm thinking of doing more chapters however I want the readers/ other authors to help me with advise.
Do I carry the chapters on how they are or do I do a twist?
Thank you :) FilledWithHope this is a public chat and I dont think people would appreciate your attitude towards other people, I understand maybe reading a novel with mistakes is irritating however some stuff ate not ment to be said on the other hand let's be real here if someone was to say something mean and aimed at you would you be angry? Would you be upset? Of course you would
Have you tried looking in the genre for the book, it might make finding the book a lot easier for you :)
These are great for people that struggle to create a great peace, thank you for sharing this with everyone :)
FilledWithHope the aurthor would have spent lots of time making the novel and for you to disrespect them is not very should respect that they have given you something to read instead of picking out little things that doesn't really matter
think of how the aurthor would feel when they read what you say! And you could of hurt a lot of people feeling by saying "why are Chinese authors so bad at spelling" that is not actual fact Chinese people are very kind and are good with maths...they take their time to create novels for people and for you to disrespect should apologise and respect people more!!!
Heera15 you don't need to pay or worry about anything x I had the same worries but as soon as I posted my novel everything was okay x
maytheforcebewith I'm unsure maybe try your help option on your profile
- Edited
Daiost_flower resetting your account is like cleaning your account it will delete your progress xx I don't think you will be able to get it back but I hope you the best
Reinesse well pointed
Spacekitty26 just remember the start of the novel is the introduction of the characters and the background and place the middle is the almost like the drama or the action or the secret sharing and then the ending is ever a happy ending or mysterious.
vimoua8 I agree and think many people will also agree with you, if been reading a novel now for three weeks because I have waiting to unlock chapter