Jeffery_XXVI Hey! Sorry I was late with your review, I was travelling! Thank you so much and have reviewed your book as well! I quite enjoyed it!

- Apr 10, 2023
- Joined Oct 25, 2022
Nyxxie_Auclair Thank you very much! I'm not getting notifications for this thread but I will get to giving you a review as well right now.
Kirito_K5 No I don't think you have.
Kirito_K5 I thought i'd drop a nice review for you on the book itself and keep the feedback here
I like your world building and the was you're setting things up. Also how you started really strong with the action. Personally as a reader I like more visual storytelling and character development so keep an eye out for little things like quirks and lines of dialogue you could use to make your characters stand out from each other more. <3 Hope that helps!
Winnieisaslouch Reviewed!
DollhousX I love your writing style! And your story! Definitely added. Will follow. Side note, I absolutely love your cover as well!
Starting From Scratch
Starting From Scratch is a low-fantasy drama about learning how to love someone, told from two different perspectives:
Vinca, The Duchess of Redwater, who's husband abandoned her two weeks after their marriage to participate in a four year long rebellion...
And Helios, the Duke of Redwater, who left his wife and Duchy behind to save his Kingdom, only to return to discover her in a compromising position.
Deciding to start things from scratch, they work together, learning about what each other went through during their time apart, and supporting each other for the times ahead.Schedule:
Tuesday-Saturday at 6:25pm UTC
- Edited
Hello all you lovely people! I'm new to this whole writing thing and would love to read some of your work as well! Would be very excited to do a review swap with anyone interested. Will review within a day or two <3
Edit: Also I'm an idiot who forgot to link my book! haha