Same. It's a major annoyance.

- Joined Jun 10, 2018
So, usually, I would go to the home page of WN and click on the orange section to reach the Trial Read books and then click on the Voting Pool tab. However, that is no longer there and I'm confused about how I'm supposed to reach the Voting Pool.
I will never use the mobile version. Ever.
I just want some clarification on something.
When the PC website changes to the mobile version, that is a bug, right? It's not actually going to be changed to look like the mobile version?
Okay, it seems things went back to normal.
If WN fixes the update counter bug then I'll be happy. I do like the changes done to the home page, but I would like it if WN gave us a heads-up when updates are coming and what they plan to do in them.
It's horrible. Absolutely fucking horrible. The PC site isn't a phone.
Everything is zoomed in, more information is hidden from us and I just hate looking at it. Change it back.
This is a complete downgrade.
- In 404
It's weird that they don't test their updates to the site with a test server or something.
When I'm in a chapter, I cannot click on the library button to enter my library.
Also, can you revert this change? It's terrible and looks bad. I don't want to have to move my mouse onto my profile picture and then down to click on the "inbox" button just so I can open it. Just make an inbox button like the others and put it in the open like "Library" and "Forum".
- In 404 Msg
Whenever I click on novels, I get a "whoops" msg and a 404 on the tab. I noticed this five minutes ago. It also shows that I'm signed out, yet when I go anywhere else, I'm still signed in.
- In Trial Read
Because Webnovel can't seem to understand that trial books aren't a good way to measure profit. I would say the majority of users don't look at trial reads, hell, I didn't until recently. They think that if a book doesn't earn an x amount of money during the trial, it isn't worth translating yet still retain the license and do nothing with it.
Most of the books on trial read are usually similar. They're either in the video game, eastern fantasy or magic realism with a few being sci-fi or horror/thriller with only the ones earning money getting translated. While this sounds fine, it just bloats the site with only those types of novels and thus limits the group of people you'd get money from.
Even if they do translate a book, it's not guaranteed to be finished for whatever reason.
P.S. Don't fucking bother getting new licenses if you aren't going to translate them until 1-2 years later when they finally earn enough money in the trial to start getting translated. Stop thinking about profit for 2 micro seconds.
Lyandy10 I hope God All Mighty helps it win!
Same here, only be using a link to a discord discussion could I open the forums. I have no idea what is wrong right now.
SrtaA Because of money and nothing else. Even if 95% of people dislike it, as long as it earns enough money to make a profit, they'll keep translating.
Any novel that doesn't make enough money is dropped, but the license remains Webnovels which means no third party can legally translate it without working with WN.
CKtalon UGH!
Truly, the trial read is becoming more and more useless. Three times, three whole times I've read a novel it wasn't picked. Now, perhaps its because those kinds of books aren't that popular, but at that point why bother holding the license for translation if they don't even do well? Might as well let other people waste the money on it.
It's getting to a point where I won't even bother to read trial reads anymore as the chances that the book I'm reading will get picked is slim and who knows when it might get translated again by some miracle. This is all so frustrating. :(
CKtalon Hey, this isn't related to this topic but is "What it's like Being A Vampire" going to be picked up? Does the stats show promise? If it does, awesome, if it doesn't, then whatever. At least I won't be as disappointed if I were to wait normally and see if it was chosen.
That might look the same but really isn't. Movies acquire much more work and effort than translation/editing and can cost in the millions while taking years to produce. I'm not saying translating or editing isn't hard, but there's a big difference between making a movie and translating a novel.
I understand the point you're making, but it isn't exactly a good reason. All this really does is make people go to third parties and have it illegally translated if Webnovel won't do it.
I guess it doesn't matter though, I doubt anything will change.
- Edited
Why does Webnovel even hold the license if they won't do anything with it?
Tofu So basically a novel that makes no money is worthless, right? Does that mean that WN will allow a third party to translate it?
Tofu So, are you a translator?
If so, would it be possible to translate at least 3 chapters of Plague Doctor/Week or hell, even 2 a week? A lot of people like that novel, but apparently it didn't make enough money.
Hello, it has become apparent that Webnovel is driven by short term profits instead of long term. Because of this, they don't pick novels that others would consider good and instead pick cliche, copy and paste novels instead.
My personal example is the Plague Doctor, it wasn't picked despite 100+ reviews and a rating of 4.9.
My suggestion is to list every dropped novel with a base score of at least 3 and every week, people will vote for what novel to come back.
What does WN get out of this, though? They get a happy customer base, that's it and they should be happy getting that.