Totally deleting a work shouldn't be possible even with no chapters uploaded. However, since there is now a pending process for voting and visibility stuff, it should be fine as it wouldn't be seen by others. You'll just be haunted by the fact that there is an annoying novel in your 'Write' section.

- Nov 1, 2023
- Joined Jan 10, 2022
- In Review Swap?
M4Glacier I guess that's just what I need.
- In Review Swap?
M4Glacier Just give mine a one-star review and I'll just review yours normally.
- In Retention%
The WebNovel algorithm may be way too secretive or too sketchy for people to know.
The rate option has been gone many updates ago.
If you exceed about 20 or so in your fast pass savings, the 7-day limit doesn't exist anymore and anything excess would be gone if it isn't used immediately.
Never have your saved fast pass exceed 22 or something.
As for the ad problem in mobile, you just do what you gotta do.
calyxsofia Use 'View' and see if its recorded.
- In Please help
Use 'Viewed' and see if its still there.
Divas Done. Hoping for a one-star review.
[unknown] Anyways, done with yours. ONE question though, wouldn't you be breaking the contract with your semi-promotion here?
Anyways, looking forward to another fresh one-star review from you.
LadyLunatic Try 'Viewed' along the lines of 'Forum' and 'Settings'.
pawnmale Try using 'Viewed' which is along the the 'settings', 'forum', and 'badges' button in your information thingy.
If you do find it, do be kind enough to share it to me as I'm quite intrigued by the premise you've stated.
I think you have to get contracted first and the author's corresponding editor could point options for advertisements such as a front page showing.
Only speculation from my side though.
- Edited
I only need one-star reviews and I'll review anyone who swaps normally.
Note that my book is a fanfiction of pop-culture not strictly Hollywood.
KHRIKY Done with yours as well. Thank you for your one-star review.
- Edited
I only need one-star reviews and I'll review anyone who swaps normally.
Note that my book is a fanfiction of pop-culture not strictly Hollywood.
Photosphere I'm done with yours, do give me a one-star review in return(note he didn't).
AmandaW1822 I'm done with yours as well, do give mine one-star if you can. Also, do use a google link next time. Novels through Webnv. isn't easy to find.
@_Lunar_ I'm done with yours, hope for a one star review coming my way. I like your dungeon story with a femal protag. Still, Wbnv. links are tricky things to play with.
keulijeu I'm done with yours and I hope for a one-star review. Looking forward to more of Thaddeus and Ayvanna.
Rolling09 I'm done with yours and thank you for the one star.
Eclipse_Moon25 I've already done yours and I await the one star review you can give me. It is quite a throwback novel.
pedro_corti Done with yours and thank you for the one star review._IHA_FAB_ Just press unto your profile name or circular profile picture and you'll reach a page that shows you an enlarged version of everything along with all of your recent activities such as commenting and all that Webnovelly stuff.
Beside the heart option, theres 'Edit Profile' and you can move on with your editing work from there.
If everything goes beyond technical errors then this advice of mine might not be of use.
Try removing all chapters you've published, however I think this only works when your within the 24 hour mark.
There may be other much more official ways of doing things out there but I'll leave that for those who know the knowledge to share to you.
Its probably unredeemable already. Also, you have to find it yourself as everyone lurking in the forum isn't near your phone to help you scroll through all the laggy and redeemable stuff that Webnovel is baiting people.
I don't remember the title as well but I do know that it has a comic book version with the same artstyle and story as Battle Through the Heavens.
I think its a ballooned number for you to gauge on how many people are reading your story. Take into account that Webnovel would balloon that to think that they have so many traffic.
Its No. of Collections × No. of Chaps, however, they sometimes multiply it again with Power stones and other gifts or whatnot.
Do take in mind that this is just my conspiracy but it could very well be true from what I've seen so far.