Lol people are so stupid when they say they don't see the point of people complaining about the free chapters and the price. Most people are mad about the price. We pay almost 10x more in their currency to unlock chapters than their other site with no reason why. The novels under "premium" still have bad editing, dont follow a schedule, and there's no communication between webnovel and readers. Heck they still don't even have a page that shows their "premium" novels and it's been out like 6 months and the have like 40 novels that changed over lol.

- Aug 22, 2022
- Joined Jan 19, 2018
Don't worry guys it's a "premium" novel. I'm sure webnovel will get back to us with a fast response and actually let us know what's going on......
I can't believe no one is complaining about the huge paywall. Locking over 700 chapters on a 12-15ss per chapter book will cost over 9000ss. That's over 150$ to read one book lol. Glad I read the rest during that 2 week period. The book started off good but went down hill real fast.
LokiJoker I asked plenty of times about this issue. No one seems to care about it and it makes no sense at all. It punished the reader for supporting their system lol. Either way I just read super gene MTL and I'm on chapter 2000 now. It's sad that the machine translation is pretty much on par with their editing of the novel here. Once you read a few chapters it's easy to understand the MTL. haven't had any problems so far.
So one of the major problems I have with the free chapter is that it does not stay up to date with the chapters you unlocked already. It makes no sense on why I have to wait a week until a free chapter if i chose to unlock the chapters by spending the stones. The most logical fix to this would be to have the free chapter unlock your next locked chapter. That way you will get more people to go ahead and spend their stones to go ahead to know that they wont have to wait days, months, and down the road over a year to get a free chapter. I stopped reading multiple novels and with the daily stones and the big stone deal before all this happened I have enough to support my two novels that I'm reading that are premium for quite a while. Either way I would like to hear from webnovel or anyone who supports this function as to why it makes sense and maybe I;m not understanding how in anyway this will encourage readers to go ahead in chapters. If anything this setup will cause me not to buy anymore stones, look to other sites for novels, and not benefit the author or translator because the book my lose it's popularity because of the setup. Their are a lot of things I disagree with in the new "Premium system" but I just wanted to talk about a serious problem that seems like such a simple and easy fix.
TLDR; Explain how this benefits anyone besides Webnovel
Elder_Hill It's a pretty simple fix that they won't do. Like you said when the next "free chapter is unlocked make it so that your lowest locked chapter is unlocked. It's a quick fix to a major problem with unlocking chapters and going ahead.
SweetsTomato I started reading super gene mtl and I'm on chapter 2000. The quality is not that much different than what the translators do here lol.
ShouldBeStudying Yeah that's the perfect solution. If you get a guaranteed free chapter everyday that would fix one of their big problems right away. I've seen this posted so many times and yet everyone who defends the premium right now never responds to it. With them not fixing such a simple problem tells me they don't care at all.It's so stupid if you go 7 chapters ahead you have to wait at least a week to get free chapters. I did it with one novel at the start and just dropped it all together lol.
UnhingedTaboo Wow that was tough to read...I really wish there was a better option for the authors as well.
Yeah I have no problem with them wanting to setup a premium system. It's just that the way it's set up now is a joke. Even if you support it by going ahead a few chapters you then have to wait for free chapters to catch back up. It's like it even punishes you for using it lol.
We have been a few months into this now and nothing has changed. They know that it's such a shady system that they have nothing on the main page that even talks about premium lol. They don't even list the novels that are Premium anywhere. I still don't understand how people even defend this. There's no change to the quality of the editing, same exact speed of chapters release when it was free, and the price per chapter is crazy.
I really laugh at the people who support this "premium" that they put out. It not that people don't want to pay and support. The translators should be supported. It's the fact that the new system is complete garbage for so many reasons. Lets call what we been doing with no change at all to chapter release, editing to make sure correct words are used, and add cost per 200 words when 70% of the chapter is filler and repeat on words, and the biggest problem that if you unlock a chapter and support the new setup you now have to wait days or even weeks until your "free" chapter catches back up lol. I have no problem with money and now I'm really only following one premium but I'm not crazy to put that much money into something that has such poor editing. When reading Super God Gene I wonder if I'm gonna read about the MC Hen Sen or the hidden MC "Harry" lol. I just started reading the mtl of that book and to be honest the translation here is only a little better.
- In Premium
'm pretty new to this site and only started reading novels in January. Here's some of my thoughts on this premium setup and a solution that could help. Let me know what you think.
1.Once you start unlocking chapters there is no going back to being free for that book.
If you started going ahead in a book with premium then you can forget waiting on it to catch back up. This is considered support by you spending stones but even if you go ahead 8 chapters now you would have to wait almost a month before you can even catch back up to free releases on some that do a few free chapters a week. It pretty much force's the reader to pay just to have a steady release again. You should not be penalized for spending ss on a locked chapter
I think locked chapters you unlocked should not count for the released. For example if the book is on 125 and I unlocked up to 130 I think the next free chapter should unlock 131 for me. This way you still get your guaranteed free chapters a week but the premiums are still there for you to unlock as well. I think this is a good middle ground. You can still spend SS and not feel like you're locked into a wait for chapter release.
- The ss to unlock the chapter is way to expensive and random.
I believe they say it goes off 200 words a stone but it's still crazy how some chapters cost 17 ss to unlock while some can cost 7. This leaves to much of a gap to how much a chapter will cost.
I think the 200 words a ss is a good start off but there should be a limit to how much a chapter can cost. While I understand it to a point but most chapters use so much "fluff" when describing stuff you can shorten a chapter by 30% and nothing would be taken away from that chapter. If there was some limit to where the max ss a chapter could cost that would be a good thing.
3.There is not enough benefit for this change to be called premium.
In the couple that I follow there is no change in the quality of the chapter. If I'm now paying for this and I'm a customer flatout the service needs to match the price. I see whenever someone brings this up people are calling them entitled or other type of things but that's not it. If you pay for something then it should match up in quality. It shouldn't be a sentence I have to reread because I have to makeout what it means or a lot of mispelled words. You can't just double the price of something and there's nothing different about the service at all and expect to have no backlash.Solution
The only thing I can think of is be a little stricter on editing for your premium novels.- No communication
They introduced this and there's barely anything telling you on how a book is premium or when they will switch one. Sometimes it in a note at the end of the chapter but that's not good enough. The latest on MP just changed with no communication at all. There is not even a way to see what books are on your current premium lol.
Just like how you have a new arivials section create a section that shows you a list of all the premium books and at least a explanation on how the system works. This seems like the most logical thing to do and should have been this first thing done when this came out