
- May 6, 2021
- Joined Nov 17, 2017
Like the title says, I'm interested in knowing what rank I would have to be to maintain the initial 200 a month offer that is offered in the contract. I would also appreciate it if a rough estimate of earnings could be given based on rank.[No specifics of course].
Thanks in advance. :)
Kronos661 I'm down to review your book.
Here's my link
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@Easy_Tiger love the quick brutal action, not for me personally but you have a good novel in your hands.Thanks for the review.
Here's my story if anyone wants to swap
The_Mad_Titan Yo I read your novel it's actually pretty enjoyable.
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Jay_Blu Yo I checked out your novel. Here's mine.
David_Neilsen Yo I read the first 10 chaps and reviewed your story.
Uh hi, here's my novel if you want to review.
I'll get to yours immediately after. :)
Looks like you managed to review already, link me your story so I can take a look.If anyone else is interested here's the link to my story do you count as fantasy?
Wolfgirl1215 I read and made a review of your story. It's actually really good writing.:)
Title : Into the Void
Genre: Modern, Action, Cultivation, Kingdom-Building, Reincarnation, Fantasy
Hi everybody I'm going to be promoting my story called Into the void. If you know anything about nurturing humanity, then you should generally get the gist of the story. The MC gains the ability to create universes due to certain events, the novel is a look into how he uses his powers and how the world around him reacts to him having those powers. It's a bit on the darker side because the MC's morals are questionable, but I think if you like godly powers yet challenges then this should be for you. So, check it out, view it and let me know how you feel about it and I'm grateful that you would take your time out read it. Thanks in advance
lala_sanara I read and reviewed your novel.
Depends on how gamey the system makes the world.
Does anybody want to review swap? My story is a dark fantasy type novel and is similar to novels like nurturing humanity or it should be as I continue to write.
Title: Into the void[Itv]
Before me, the sun had started to set, and its rays seemed to be stained in blood. I recalled the meeting at the doctor's office, she wanted me to stay, to continue a treatment that we both knew was futile. The cancer had grown too powerful, claimed too much of my body as its territory. The chance of getting rid of it was too low and my mental health was on the verge of collapse.
All the treatment would have done was continue my suffering.
No, I wouldn’t continue the treatment, I’d rather live my last days of life quietly drinking tea and reading books. Perhaps even one last rewatch of Gurren Laggan to cleanse my mind, another drag of the cig, and my lungs exploded into a flurry of coughs.
Drawing breath was hard.
My hands shook.
My throat tightened.
The car swerved.
I stepped on the breaks and the air erupted with the sound of screeching tires.
My vision was blurry, my throat was dry, insults were thrown by the drivers behind me, but their voices were distant