
  • May 9, 2023
  • Joined Apr 19, 2018
  • Might I interest you in this novel call Superstars of Tomorrow by Lazy Cliche? This was the only novel that kept me coming back to webnovel. It has 507 chapters, doesn’t have your usual annoying tropes, no dumbass op mc, and on the plus side the novel is completed so you will not need to wait for updates or worry about the author leaving you hanging. I have to admit though that the summary isn’t the best since I skipped over this novel a couple of times before actually reading it for myself. There’s a few arcs in the novel that you will love if you enjoy a good (and I mean really really good) action scene. It’s so vivid that I would prefer to read these parts again-which I did; 5 times in fact- over watching John wick. Hope you enjoy this novel as much as I did. If not, still all the best.

    • Many of my reviews lie between 3-4 stars, though I have given out one or two 2.5 stars. These 5 stars ratings are simply an eyesore. They're just lazy readers who are looking for quick exp and have no thinking process whatsoever. It's a shame really 'cause there really isn't a point to the whole rating system then; might as well not have it, you know? And as a person who picks up books based on ratings and reviews, often times than not, five to seven chapters in you know that the story is just plain ole cr@p and you think to yourself, "people actually like this cr@p?" And then the 1-star reviews. Don't even get me started! They're the ones who haven't even read a single chapter of the story and heard from word of mouth from others how 'bad' it is. Arrggghhhh! You imbecile! If only I could dislike some of these reviews.

      But in spite all that I did manage to find some real gems buried in all this filth that litters webnovel, but they're so overshadowed by these other not so good stories that no one knows them. It's a shame, a real shame 'cause no one else is enjoying these beautiful works of literature except a select few.

      • Not working here either. There are just too many issues with this new way of inviting friends. Webnovel is trying to push people to download their faulty app, yet the app itself has many issues as well. This is just a major headache for us readers so I don't think is worth it at all. Unless they go back to the previous way of how we invited friends I've given up inviting any friends.

        • They should have stuck to the old way of inviting friends. There were no issues then. But now there are too many issues that it's simply not worth the headache. And quite frankly, I don't think the webnovel app is worth downloading. There are too many issues with the app as well. So double the headache. Can we go back to how we previously did things?

          • They should have stuck with the old way of how we invited friends. This new way is just plain stupid. There are too many issues with this one, and quite frankly I don't want to get the app just to redeem the code.

            • I've invited some friends to webnovel, but they really don't want to download an app they have no knowledge of (and I don't have the app cause I don't want it). In the past, if you invited a friend they can just sign up through webnovel after clicking on the link but now they HAVE to download the app to even redeem the code. What's a way around this, or is that the only way? Cause if it is I'm out of luck and won't be able to get SS. Oh, also another thing. I used to get 99 SS for every successful friend invited but apparently, now you only get 50 SS. What's the deal, webnovel? It's hard enough as it is to obtain SS without you skimping out on us. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL

              • Stingdragon

                It could also be because we arent as picky of the hunter x hunter world as compared to let’s say the Narutoverse. I mean in the Narutoverse there’s simply too many plot holes that we can literally pick at and the whole Narutoverse will collapse in and of itself. It wasn’t like Kishimoto really thought it out. He just put this $hit together with that $hit and simply hoped for the best. And just to be fair, so I don’t get a bunch of Naruto fanatics chasing me with pitchforks and torches shouting kill the demon (lol, get it?) hunter x hunter does have its flaws too. If I were to write a fanfic of it, I’ll definitely choose the chimera ant arc cause let’s face it, we all didn’t want Meruem and Komugi to die. The chimera ants, though not all, became more human-like while the actual humans became more monster/animal (just look at Gon).

                • P.S. you guys have successfully stolen 200+ SS. 👏

                  • No seriously it’s jut disappearing. My SS are disappearing like crazy. If I knew this was going to happen I would have just blow it all. But I can’t use them cause all your damn translator/authors aren’t even releasing chapters. Don’t blame me for something your staffs aren’t competent of. Give me back my SS. Seriously, this is why people give you guys so much $h1t. First, you steal others translated work. And now you steal our SS. Tsk tsk tsk, didn’t your mother ever tell you that stealing is wrong? You would think that a successful business such as this wouldn’t ever plagiarize but should’ve known seeing as how most of their biggest hits are of stories’s MC plagiarizing others work. Yeah, sorry (not really) still disappointed how IRAS isn’t how it’s so cropped-out to be.

                    • Don’t know what’s going on but I’m missing about a hundred SS. Last I checked I was over 600 and now i only have 500 and I didn’t even use it. I shouldn’t be losing SS for signing in everyday. What’s up? And how are you guys fixing this? I didn’t save all those SS just for you guys to steal them when I’m not paying attention.

                    • Does your family know that you’re an author? If so, what are their views on it, and do they support you?

                      • I totally agree with you. There are some really popular stories here and in mainland China that’s very very racist though author tries to down play it as nationalism. Pfft, I’m not some dumb high school drop out. I finished school and got my degree, okay? I know when a comment or story has racism. I’ve come across so many of them on webnovel that sometime I question China as a whole.

                        But back to the point. A story that I strongly recommend is ‘Superstars of Tomorrow’. It’s well written and it’s not repeating crab over and over and over again just to meet word count like so many other stories do. Although the synopsis isn’t too great and doesn’t really explain the story all too well, I think you’ll enjoy it. Especially look forward to later chapters where there’s some awesome action scene.

                        Tell me how it goes for you. I had a fun time with this story so it’s one of my favorites on webnovel.

                      • I don’t know if you’ve read this yet but if you haven’t I strongly recommend you give it a try. It’s well written and isn’t repeative like most novels here so you definitely won’t get bored. Plus there’s like a gazillion chapters (huge exaggeration lol). It’s called ‘Superstars of Tomorrow’. In the later chapters there’s quite a bit of awesome action scene. Though I would like to say it’s not completed. Whoops

                        • I read from originals and frees while saving SS then binge read premiums when I’m at around 700 SS. I’ve had no problem so far. Just got to wait a few months but feels great when I binge read. But I do understand how you feel. I feel it all the time after my SS are all used up and I have to start saving again.

                        • Lol just a passerby watching the chaos. This is why I don’t participate in events because webnovel staffs... no no no, can’t say krab about them or I’ll bet ban and then I won’t get my daily dose of My Beautiful Commander. 🤭

                          • No, you’re not the only one. But it takes a lot of time and effort to release chapters. I say: be patient, and grateful that they’re even releasing at all. At least that’s my two cent in this matter.

                            • How do we create a book cover, or a where do we go to create a book cover?

                              • First vote of the day gives you 5 spirit stones. Anything else won’t give you any.

                                • I’m trying to level up but one of the mission is ‘rate translation quality’. How do I rate the translation quality? When I review a story don’t I already rate the translation quality among other things?

                                  • Trying to level up but how do I rate translation? Don’t your rate the translation quality in the review?

                                    Web Novel Novel Ask