Guys, I think it's time to call it. Dreamworlds just doesn't seem to do very well on this site, and perhaps a different story entirely would be more worthwhile. (

Therefore I'm toying with the idea of stopping this series at the end of the first World arc. However, I seem to have picked up a few readers from somewhere and I'd hate to abandon everything just like that so, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback.

What would you like me to do next? Post Kalupsia ( Guardian's Academy (Cody's story)? Something else entirely new in webnovel's typical feel-good-and-to-hell-with-the-world style? Or even a few chapters of each and then pick a winner from there?

Dreamworlds on

    VicL I don't know whether you have finished your novel.

    If you want to stop:

    • Make a hiatus announcement like the story is not popular. Blablabla. If you still plan to continue it someday... (Everyone knew someday is never happened.) Perhaps you can use your once in a while strategy. This is cruel to readers.
    • Make an open ending, 'the hero then continued to chase his dream'. Even ISSTH and WMW ending both are open ending. Some readers might not be satisfied if it is too early. Some manga if they didn't too popular go this way too. You can continue someday, but I doubt you will.
    • Make a short ending. Just a narration will saved a lot space. It is very rushed and may taste bad in readers. However, I believe dropped/hiatus taste worst.
    • Make a cultured ending. (Don't think about this! Unless your story... is harem.)
    • Just dropped it. The readers who loved your novel the most will hate you... Sometimes silent treatment/fake hope better than a dropped announcement.

    If you want to continue:

    • If you just wanted to stop in this website (perhaps continue it on another platform). You can do that (you have no contract thus no obligation). For example, there were some people who post ONLY early part of their novel and ask the readers to continue on the own website/blog (You are free to use Patreon button in your own site for example) or perhaps on other (paying or non paying) platform. In example: Bai continued on Patreon. TurtleMe used this site to advertise his T*pas. There were also authors who removed their early chapters novel for 'Amazon' aka RR style. (Amazon gives more money for exclusive contents.)

    I might miss some options.

      You learn as you write. I have only been writing a year and am up to 400,000 words. My second story is an improvement on the first due to planning and experience.

      But, something that worries me be about your post is your motivation. Don't get me wrong, its your motivation, do whatever the frig you want. But, I am writing the story I want to read and doing my best to make it interesting for readers. But in the end, its for me. My opinion is people who have the same tastes as me will like the story. People who aren't will not.

      If your motivation is purely views, stones etc. It's not easy, there are so many stories and gimmicky ones get noticed quickly. But if your work it good. If it is interesting. Eventually, it will gain followers. If it sucks nothing will help you :P

        Skully_ ok I just looked at iTunes and your novel. I took you for a beginner which you are not. So my previous post is the wrong advice. It's advice for a beginner.

        If you can find a topic that interests you and a story that intrigues you in the fashionable genres while bringing something completely new, go for it. I think you can easily work out the genres from the titles that are successful. Especially if you can craft a better narrative and bring an important point of difference. I think if you did Romance System. You would be number 1 in a week.

        As to dropping your current story, if people can access it, somewhere else, if it's being completed that's not dropping IMO. Not sure what the status is though. I agree with MR, don't leave your fans in the lurch.

          I plan to at least finish the first world arc, then stop before the transitions to the second world.
          That, or reduce the releases drastically. I'm thinking 5ch/week, maybe even 2/week.

          I actually like the 'Romance/System' combo idea... it's worth consideration.

            VicL Erm... Most male readers didn't like romance and prefers Harem. Is there any successful male novel with good romance? Even ISSTH and ST had the girl kidnapped and gone for most of the stories. This Rabbink read female novels for Romance. Gwahahaha.

            S*x and System would be Popular. However, it is hard for WN to contract. Also as an author, the VERY popular might not be something that you want to write.

              I was thinking something like this:

              Dreamworlds: Romance System
              Dear User#12954367911

              If you want to date my daughter, you must be the Most Wonderful Boyfriend in all Dreamworlds (basically, the Best Man in the Hundred Worlds Empire). You are not.

              I will give you a chance. Dreamworlds is all about Dreams, after all. Therefore, I will install the Romance System into your user account. Complete all the missions for the sake of other people's romances and I will allow you one date. Then I will send you more missions.

              Break any rules and I will make your dreams a living hell. There is no option of quitting.

              You begin now.
              -Dreamworlds Admin #4

              and yeah, I was thinking to go the 'OP MC' route

                About male novels with good romance... uh... NEET receives a Dating System comes close, I guess? But that really, really, really looks like a Harem situation

                  VicL It is an uncommon system... The MC is a side character in other people romance... Perhaps something like Cupid. (I imagine that as Cupid.)

                  Perhaps other readers could voice their opinion.

                    I was going with an MC with Codename: Fate.
                    I have to admit that the first chapter is turning out to be more of a comedy than a romance.

                      Maybe when I say romance system. It is from a male view and sex system sounds crude. But really. Same thing :)

                        I failed. It turned into a comedy/dungeon crawler.

                          I might not have a romantic bone in my entire body

                            Come on, Twilight Wuxia cant be that hard.

                              I'm one of those few Dreamworlds reader. I'd love to see you keep on writing this series, but at the end of the day you should feel you are taking the best out of your time.

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