daily free chapters of premium novels are not available for 2 days.
what happened?
Premium Daily free chapters
No clue, it's happening to everyone.
Same things happened to me. No free chapters unlocked this past 2 days
My guess is that its not gonna be free anymore
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Hope that qidian fixes that problem soon
I've seen other threads but they haven't made a statement yet, but form the silent treatment it's starting to to look that way. I mean it's not hard, just say it's your new policy change so we know what's going on
im hoping for the best and expecting for the worst, and from the so called silent treatment the community is having for the past few hours, i think its the worst that is going to happen.
D0nk3yK0ng There is no answer in FB group too. Try Discord. Gwahahaha.
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BlackHat There is already an answer. Try to check other thread if you want to know more.
However, there is no free chapter since Webnovel would use Qidian method. They were still in discussion with some Chinese author, but we don't know how the result would be. Most likely nothing would be changed.