Aries_Monx it will take some time..I am writing now...please, allow me some time...thanks.
Review Swap here!
KIKI_GERALD That link won't work. Send the name instead or a proper link
rydertheking Done! I gave a review and added! Here is mine
Aries_Monx review done...
ToufiqUlAlam Done with the review as well, great book by the way
SiaReader I've added it to my library. If your friend gives my novel a review, I'll read your friend's book and give a review as well. Here's the link to my book:
nekrom1 I'm up for a review swap. I've added your novel to my library and if you give my book a review first, I will read yours and review it as soon as possible. Here's the link to my novel:
YeshuaH I added your story to my collections! I'll give it a review in a few! I hope you can return the favor with mine <3
Dummybeing I'd like to review swap with you too. I've added your novel to my library and once you gave my book a review, I'll read yours and review it as soon as I can. Here's the link:
Hello everyone! I would like to promote my WPC entry, and I hope to swap collections (or even reviews) with interested people!
Name: Help! I Fell in A Well and Now I'm in an Alternate Universe!
Genre: Teen
Because of her smarts, plain, nerdy looks, and her timid personality, Olivia Twyne was often bullied at school.
However, after what Olivia thought was just another bullying incident turned a violent turn, Olivia found herself transported to another universe, The Opposite World, where everything is the complete opposite of the universe where she originated.
There she meets the alternate universe version of herself, Oliver Twyne, a boy who was her complete opposite: Popular, handsome, and a jerk of a jock who in this world, is the bully.
It goes without saying that Olivia hated Oliver, and vice-versa.
As Olivia struggles to navigate in this alternate universe, as well as battle her hatred for Oliver, she must find out the mysteries that brought her here and find a way back to her own universe.
If you wish to swap reviews with me, kindly note that I am honest with it and give actual constructive criticism <3 Give reply to this comment if you're into real reviews!
ToufiqUlAlam aight? so review swaps? I'll leave a review 5-star on both of your books
here's mine
Aries_Monx Hey! I added too and will read it few hours later!
Aries_Monx Hey! I have done the review and added!
Wanna review swap? Here is the link:
ThreyaMidnight Lets swap reviews . Here is my novel :
redlady Done!
ThreyaMidnight Done! I gave a review and added! Here is mine
Aries_Monx I loved your book as well. let's keep updating and enjoying our books.
KetchupxD hahahaha...I love Saitama...
Yes.. I will read then review...please allow some time. thanks. and don't have to leave 5 star just be honest.
KetchupxD review done...awesome work...I love OPM...