- Edited
Miya Thank you.
you got the point , I was think my writing was bad «x
I mean.. I know it is bad but eu ja tinha desistido de tentar saber o motivo. hahahhahah
Miya Thank you.
you got the point , I was think my writing was bad «x
I mean.. I know it is bad but eu ja tinha desistido de tentar saber o motivo. hahahhahah
Miya Because there has been changes in trends both in China and the international audience. The tropes used from years ago are outdated and appear to be much more bland. As for recent authors, they have improved on that formula so they are a little more 'modern'. Those you read from years ago has the 'read one, you read it all' feeling. Some terms you see were memes of the time, but have lost popularity. For example, one of the terms is YY novels to describe these webnovels in general. That term is very seldom used these days. Depicting an outdated China is probably not in their best national interests (if any).
In addition, there is a thing about copyright. Qidian doesn't own the copyrights forever. (About 10 years). So if they translate an old book, the copyright to the old book might run out before the translations finish, etc. There is always the extension of copyright which the author sells it again which apparently most do, but there's too much risk in that.
Some novels that have been picked up by other independent translators might not be that popular in China, so there's little incentive to promote them either. Generally, books that aren't popular in China are not written as well because the author gets disheartened at the poor results. They might be ended abruptly among various reasons. Qidian has the data that says which books are popular, so it's a safer bet to choose the ones that were popular in China, as there is a higher chance of them being popular to the international audience. This is evident from the very popular webnovels that were previously translated.
Just some reasons I can think of.
CKtalon In addition, there is a thing about copyright. Qidian doesn't own the copyrights forever. (About 10 years).
This is an outright lie! How can you print such misleading statments??? I know you are the face of Qidian here on webnovel forum but please stop spewing such crap!
It's sad because people try to give you some credibility since you work for Qidian, but shit like this just keeps reminding people how morally corrupt Qidian seems to be! And how willing you are to lie for them!
From China Literature IPO documentation:
The term of our copyright license from writers is typically for 20 years or longer.
source http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/SEHK/2017/1108/LTN20171108066.pdf
checkm8 calm down bro, I think it's enough to just kindly point out someone else's mistake. I think cktalon is just trying to be helpful since i asked a question.
i don't know the relationship between you and qidian but people like you is why some translators are reluctant to post on here, if their flaws are being pointed out in such a rude manner. Also, the correct year isn't the point anyways, what matter is that we now understand why some of the older completed works aren't being translated.
It was over the top. But I do get tired of CKtalon's party line comments. His statements are often inaccurate or outright misleading.
I mean just on this forum he's said:
It's alright for Qidian to dual-host Wuxiaworld translations because once the novel translations were completed they [Qidian] would have the right to the translations anyway. So what does it matter if Qidian decides to start dual-hosting them now, instead of waiting for the translations to be completed?
That's a pretty messed up statement trying to rationalize screwing over WW & their translators, especially by someone whose bailing on WW screwed WW over.
He's also made statements on NU:
Qidian Authors get 50% of the English copyrights sold.
Cocooned Cow would be earning 10-20% revenue AFTER QI was profitable
Without ever showing anything to back that up. So basically, it looks like he spouts of whatever people want to hear.
But hey I know money talks, and ethics are gone from this world and I understand he is bought and paid for by Qidian but still he doesn't have to be so misleading! He is in it for the money, just be honest about it.
I also find it pretty far-fetched that he doesn't know the actual contract terms for Qidian authors which is well documented considering how long he has been interacting with Qidian and their authors. He is very quick to respond anytime there is a discussion.
tl;dr For someone in the know, he is wrong a lot!
checkm8 I never said the first sentence.
What I said was:
From my take of the situation, I doubt WW had a winning chance. I was part of the recording too, so I knew that too. It wasn't very convincing when WW appeared to be trying to drag it out in court so that the books could be finished. Besides, I think Qidian has the better and bigger libraries which WW will no longer have access to.
Besides Rwx mentioned that once a book is completed, the translation can be used by Qidian (Qidian's actions insinuate there's no need for completion according to the contract). So if all this is just to fight to the point of finishing a book to eventually hand it to Qidian, what's the point?
To make it clear, I don't see a point of resisting Qidian for the unlicensed novels just so that I can finish the novel which ends up becoming Qidian's property.
I'm not paid by Qidian to say anything publicly because I'm paid for my translations. I could be quiet and still be paid. What I am unhappy about is the unnecessary demonizing of Qidian and I try to explain certain rationalities behind actions taken from my point of view. I can also see the reason behind the actions from Wuxiaworld's point of view. I might not personally agree with them, just like how I do not agree with QI's actions of hiring lousy and slow translators.
There is no reason why I should know the exact details of the contracts (besides, authors at different levels have different contracts). The authors have not shown me the contract, which is going to be a long one, and written in Chinese legalese, which I wouldn't be interested in reading. Some of the relevant details are publicly known in China, considering how they have thousands of authors coming in and out of their system.
@CKtalon here is the actual Quote
Besides Rwx mentioned that once a book is completed, the translation can be used by Qidian (Qidian's actions insinuate there's no need for completion according to the contract). So if all this is just to fight to the point of finishing a book to eventually hand it to Qidian, what's the point?
checkm8 And it's the same as the one in Ck's post isn't it? ... I'm not sure what's you're trying to get at here. You're trying to say his opinion is false?
chiiisd_FB true. If they always update more chapters readers are going to support more and if they delay it they just going to iiritate the readers so your suggestion is good dont jest this is just my opinion
bro, this is like asking directors to take turns shooting a movie/television series, while the raws are the bought script which each director has their own understanding of