Let see ...
I know some indonesian's people is reading here. Just curious ...
Hayoo! Siapa aja yg nulis di sini? Ngaku ga luh?
Let see ...
I know some indonesian's people is reading here. Just curious ...
Hayoo! Siapa aja yg nulis di sini? Ngaku ga luh?
Ping! Please check this Rabbink's Novel. I don't plan to have a contract with WN. (Unless they promise an animation/game, which they won't. Gwahahaha.)
Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1368th.
Terima Kasih. Harap maklum susah cari vocab jadi panjang2 ngetiknya.
Lol sana promo ke org indo
MasterRabbink nulis pake HP Susah promosi
Hmm ... Sepertinya author yg aktif d forum cm 2 author
Baru rilis novel baru buat contest, judulnya the uniform
Mohon dukungannya
Nyum nyum, happy ied. Bruh
Hola, Check out my novel too.
The Shopmaster: https://www.webnovel.com/book/11341109205343905/The-Shopmaster
Ternyata Rabbink sama Tomato indo jga haha
Mengikuti Rabbink :) kesempatan promosi
kalo tertarik silahkan coba cek novel ini:
Terima kasih
Ventus_Hikari Hehehe, yang satu ini emang tidak terlalu aktif di forum
Following the Rabbink :) the chance for promotion
if you're interested please try the novel (the link above)
Thank you
Sorahana lol sepertinya para author emang jarang main di forum
ada yg bisa jelasin 'plot armor' itu makanan apaan sih? :P
Lord_HaarT Plot Armor? Yang bikin Stroomtroper miss semua tembakannya di pilem.
siapa tau ada yang tau novel genre mature yang ada skene "anunya" h3h3
Wow... I must say... Indonesia writer are great...
Bukan karena sifat nasionalis yah... Tapi... Para penulis indonesia banyak yang berbakat... Tetapi... Tidak didukung dalam artian... Para penerbit biasanya akan menerbitkan cerita yang pasti laku... Ada 1 penulis yang saya suka... Judulnya.. 99 asura kalau tidak salah... Ceritanya bagus...
Hai, PaperCrane disini. Tapi jujur deh, novelku Bahasa Inggris + BL. Klo niat silakan, wkwkwk
Hello.... nice to meet you all feel free to check my book too hahaaaa... shameless promotion. Ikutan jugaaa
Judul story: His Peasant Wife: Yao Ling
Link : https://m.webnovel.com/book/12076541206877905