Wasn't this survey also posted in the NovelUpdates forum in the past?

My only suggestion is that Qidian create a premium subscription app that will display the webnovel chapters, like 20 chapters ahead. This can be a one time fee or subscription based.

    Survey Result Dec 10

    88% in favor of freemium
    12% in favor of paywall

      How 'bout this?

      I created another poll

        Example of another successful freemium offering: Pandora Radio

        Ads revenue form free users: $278.2 million x 4 quarters a year = $1,113 millions a year
        Subscription revenue from paid users who want to skip ads: $68.9 million x 4 quarters a year = $275.6 million a year

        Pandora’s advertising revenue rose nearly 5 percent to $278.2 million in the second quarter

        The company reported subscription revenue of $68.9 million

        It's an internet radio station so people are used to free radio music with ads. It still has 5.19 million paid subscribers who pay to skip ads to listening to internet radio.

        Spotify freemium for on-demand music streaming is the complete opposite, in which subscription revenue is a few times greater than ads revenue.

          @ssound5rs why the hell you always insist for qidian to have paywall or freemium as their business model? They just need to keep the current model and add the option for user to buy the ss...

            ssound5rs either choice isn't bad. But can the translators keep up with the potential extra work? Also no reason both options couldn't be offered if their developers can code 'em.

              theFred either choice isn't bad. But can the translators keep up with the potential extra work? Also no reason both options couldn't be offered if their developers can code 'em.

              There are no extra works for translators. They translate and release chapters as they do now.

              Freemium means all novels are free to read with ads. Paywall means readers have to pay to read each chapter. Offering both options (freemium and paywall) would just add confusion to the system.

                ssound5rs no extra work for translator? ok i get it that freemium is free with option to pay. if i were to pay i would expect a value for my money, in this case as qidian offering translated novel, i want better quality novel, faster release, no typo and bad grammar. meaning the current translator need a whole lot work to do.
                Qidian right now cant offer anything for premium content. hell i can even read the whole damn thing on machine translation and figure it out myself. the quality is not that much different.
                can you give me any premium content that is worth my money if i were a premium user? translator team sucks, you alone spam daily about typo, they never improve and you know it.

                  NineLife as I see it, the only benefit as freemium he offers you is ad-free and maybe something cosmetic, like changing layout or better constructed library or more voting stones, nothing more

                    Billdoor to be honest, there is not much different but who we are to say. the decision is Qidian's not us and this is all pointless. i got fed up and made my first post here.
                    but yeah if Qidian know whats good, nothing will change soon until they got more userbase. making changes now would lead to a significant losses and it will be harder for them to make it up.
                    i just hope there will be gems here to find. i'll be happy to pay for better novel like RtW. and better release rate at least

                      NineLife i always see ssound5rs posts and cringe and need to post here because he makes so many assumptions and bases his theories on flawed theories that its just pointless to continue. But in all of his threads he thinks his word is correct, only argues on points he is sure he can argument a little bit.

                      He repeats his line so long until no one argues against it, therefore in his mind he has "won" the argument. But everyone is just sick of continuing the discussion

                        Survey result Dec 11

                        88% in favor of freemium
                        12% in favor of paywall

                          ssound5rs For the last time, stop this bullshit poll. i got fact that qidian wont implement paywall, what do you have? just some speculations?
                          assuming we can trus qidian's word

                            webnovel.com is fine as it is. nothing will change soon. even if it changes it won't involve a user who hold no significant weight.
                            believe me eventhough QI is stupid, they do have the team responsible for calculating how much is their userbase, how much would be in favor of freemium, how much would support paywall. they don't need you doing their job.

                              Enlightened_Being Qidian doesnt need to HOG these novels, remember that all those popular CN including ISSTH, CCG, release that witch are officially published by qidian, qidian owns the distribution right of most of the wn we have seen.... so use word like hog is really inappropriate, it makes qidian sounds like a thief who stole the production of someoneelse. TBF 100 free chapters are more than enough for people to know whether they like it or not. If a piece went bad in midway, you can always drop it since you only paid the part you like, sounds fair isnt it?

                                Enlightened_Being i think you are the one being arrogant. First of all, Why do you think you have the right to read Something worked by super hard working authors and translators anyways for free anyways? Is the price way too expensive? If you wish to just being a taker who takes everyting as granted, then you are the real arrogant young master. I understand Why people want free stuff, its tolerable, but you are an execption. You somewhat think that people willing to support authors and translators must receive same treatment like you. Skipping ads? thats not a privilege unless this is a super long and boring ads, and ads on qidian are not like that. We can all tolerate some ads, this will not affect our mood while reading. At the end, I understand Why people wants free stuff but I cannot not tolerate someone like you. TAKE THINGS AS GRANTED AND CALLED THOSE WHO PAID ARROGANT YOUNG MASTER, HOW SHAMELESS

                                  from one shill to another, bravo clap clap slow clap

                                  2 posts on the new account, probably you applauded yourself :D

                                    XilingCommander Very amazing, making new account just to insult the others opinion.
                                    Such bravery is indeed matching your gut which is completely near to

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