DiegoPedroso Yep, and i think many WN reader will flee and read the free one in the pirate sites. They don't consider this part before apply the policy
Free Chapters No More?
Cimmerian that was to the chapters that used to have adwalls which I then took down by watching ads and soametimes paying 4SS. And now they have reconstructed the adwalls.
Eliza_Thornberry bonus from the brought SS expire after 90. The non bonus ones are permanent.
terminatermike1 it's been a topic for countless times, there's no such thing as permanent SS. they'll just play it around like the bought SS were the first one to be consumed. Who cares about SS anyway.
Well, they kinda forced us so...
scias85 Yep, they leave us with no choice...
But sometimes the quality in the pirate site is so awful
they remove "..." which make readers like read a walls of text
Mmwada wuxiaworld hàs all the novels that webnovel has for FREE. I switched a few days ago n I've already read through books that I've been waiting to be unlocked daily on webnovel. It's great. U should give it a try.
So I just read all the replies and basically we are screwed? Welp, I hope the pirate site has a good font ~.~’
Lord_HaarT I fled like my ass was on fire. I'm deleting after I finish this post. I'm on wuxiaworld now n I'm not looking back.
I thought webnovel was established to promote literature and reading. To make the world a better place. They say so time and again that they have changed and that they are not just greedy Chinese businessmen. But what do we see now my brothers they are all the same. This is why piracy of novels is a thing now. This is why 94% of the people who live near me don't read. Finally this is the reason I will have to remove multiple books from my library. I just can't stand seeing the notifications that a new chapter has been released but I can't get a free chapter. So what if we are poor, we are still readers. Now is the time for us to stand up brother. Now is the time for us to fight for our passion. Long live the resistance. AAAAHHHHH!!!!
If anyone knows where can we read " library of heaven's path " please tell
in lnmtl or search google and pick 1 not from webnovel
The post was that the authors requested it. What does that mean? The authors don't have a complete understanding how their work is represented on this site? This is something supposed to have been discussed before publishing.
It does not matter if you are a subsidiary. The parties involved with the IP must have an understanding so there are no nasty surprises.
The reason why I called it piracy is because this happens in the music industry too - when licensors publish special editions/releases without prior approval, they get in trouble (happens in countries who think they can get away with it). If they do not work out an agreement, the licensor is fined and is told to destroy all copies as it is deemed pirated music.
To me, the same principle applies. If the author's contract says only the 1st 100 chapters are free, and they didn't bother to change those terms for the English release, then this site IS pirating their work (well, WAS, because they changed up).
What a fiasco.
MaryFord The copyright belongs to China Literature, so the authors don't really have a say how the work is represented or monetized on the site. However, they do have clout with the company, i.e., they can just stop writing for the company, etc. So the company will still side the authors on such matters.
KhadijahMakoul I've arrived and enjoying. thanks a lot!
CKtalon You mean, simply because QI has copyright, they have no say on how they'll get paid if their work is ever licensed for consumption abroad? They have no say on residual income on each chapter read? That is part of how they are represented on this site.
How sad. I feel bad for the authors.
MaryFord They have a say and this is happened.
MasterRabbink uncle bink have lunch break, he appears again
SweetsTomato This thread should be locked. It visited the secret territory.
I don't know why everyone don't remember fight club rule number 1. There are translators reading here and those pirate sites advertisement would hurt them.
Wait until Webnovel lawyers chase those websites... Those promoters would regret it themselves. What in the dark should be in the dark.
MasterRabbink Read what cktalon said. In terms of representation or monetization on this website, they don't (meaning authors don't have a say on how the free premium chaps were being given out originally as promo for their works, and the possible residual income lost from this action). They threatened via other methods, which means QI was not upfront about what they are doing with the IP in the first place.
Really stupid because people in SEA can know a Chinese dialect or two (it's cultural pride among descendants of Chinese immigrants). They know how to get on Chinese social media sites and stan.
If a fan told the author how they are reading their works and QI didn't tell the author beforehand, they'd naturally get upset. They are cut-off from certain discussions like profit sharing or even how they want certain things translated.
The fact that QI takes advantage of the author's ignorance is sad. It's one way to keep costs low, but this usually bites in the end.
MaryFord Since I don't know the contract. I can't answer that and you can't answer that. We can only assume. I don't know whether one of our contracted authors had in their clause about how they could manage the monetization of their contract. Some authors dislike the contract, some thought it wasn't that bad.
Most likely it is fall into non disclosure agreement. There are lots of assumption here, I do think we should end our discussion here. It is bad when we talk about contract/legal and we use assumption.
Based on the 'news' some talks were currently being done. While the chance is small... I don't know. This Rabbink doesn't want to put my hope. I could only reduce the premium novel that I read here. WN will see the statistic, hope that would change their negotiations.
CKtalon yes, but it doesn't mean they can't try to do anything about it.
Ever heard of the WGA strike in America?
MasterRabbink read what CKtalon is saying. It's not an assumption that the authors have no say on this website. That's because the original work has been commissioned, paid for and rights were licensed out. QI has their sense of fairness on the matter, but not every author has the same idea as to what is fair.
That's why I said to you in the beginning - QI did not negotiate a proper English license when the rest of the world does this for IP. If what you said about the authors' request is true, the only reason they would is because QI believes the authors' work is theirs to do whatever they want with it and the author has no say in how their work appears on this site.
This has happened to JP IP long before webnovels existed (Sailor Moon, anyone?). It's hilarious to me, that, in the social media age, QI thinks it'll fly.
MaryFord Ok. I understand your point.
Однако, пиздец товарищи!
as a media and publicity professional, i'm mad, this is a terrible business plan, you can't take things from customers and not give anything in return
The main issue is that the $ for the content provided is too much. $150+ for a novel of this sort of quality and filler-filled is just not acceptable. You can buy many higher quality writing, professionally edited and not filler-filled complete novels for that amount of $. I can accept the paywall, but only if the prices are reasonable which they are not even close to being.
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Lets just keep the posts complaining about this up high in the forum, they'll finish by getting the idea.
They shut a lot of our favorite novels promising that the free users would not get forgotten, they only took one year to get back on their word.
CKtalon Sir is there any info about how this weird policy will be ended? Or What's the plan that QI discussed? No free chapter forever or It is just temporaly
AuxiliralyMAx Depends on the negotiations...
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MasterRabbink I don't know why it sounds like a foreign concept to you when you hang out on the forums a LOT. I've only started hanging out in the forums more just to be updated on QI's latest nasty surprise.
Members of your "fight club" have spoken about issues like this before me. You'll see them making comments about the author's ignorance in random chapters as well
too pricey per chapter.
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Well...anyone checked out kingdom bloodline cuz it got premium and now about 125 chaps r locked...N not a single chap has been unlocked. Chap 126 is first chap to be locked and so far it hasn't been unlocked. So yea... I dropped it.
Edit: I found a way to make sure that novels don't go premium! Don't vote it with power stones so it won't go up the power ranking n won't become premium!
personally, it's not a problem but it would be more productive if maybe chapters cost less the longer they were posted or there was a mass unlock discount like 10 chapters for 100SS. it would make it easier to read stories that are so far ahead allowing us to catch up and they would get benefits from the usage of SS