LittleSleepyFox Well, I just really like this website & want to contribute towards its expansion in any way I can, but if that's the impression u got of me, that's quite funny, cause you nailed it backwards :)
p.s: I agree as well, All Hail Web Novel! & All Hail Little Sleepy Fox!

    Somebody pick up adorable food goddess

      LastEmailDeleted Even if they go, they will soon come back here, that, i can promise you, Web Novel is much more awesome :D

        Huangdi I guess that's your point of view , but isn't it tiring to see everything as poop?
        i mean it's not really a likable object for me...unless.. :D

          SweetsTomato I don't believe in Angels, but i believe now i'm replying to one, i'm really glad to see there are still kind and gentle people like you

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