Hi dear Web novel staff, I know you guys are busy and might have had your reasons for not publishing these novels beforehand, but I still urge you to please reconsider and try publishing these awesome web novels on the website as well, I personally can promise that with just a few of them the popularity of the site will skyrocket.
Peerless Martial God
Dragon Marked War God
Martial God Asura
Ancient strengthening technique
Novels that will increase the websites popularity by millions!
Too shit.
I think 'Pure love is hot and spicy/纯情丫头火辣辣' is an interesting story
Water_Flow i doubt these novels have such a huge following. I would be impressed if 100 people came over for these novels. Besides, those novels arent that good in my opinion (read a fair amount of all the novels listed). Nothing new or innovative about them either, just the normal storyline of cultivation novels. Especially martial god asura, that was just too much cliche and recycled plot for my poor underdeveloped mind.
None of those are qidian novels anyway.
bruh all the novels you just listed are not qidian
My Opinion;
Martial God Asura was good for a bit before it became utter, utter trash. Read this if you're looking for a disappointment.
The others are also bad in their own ways...
I haven't read the others to know if it gets better though, so yeah.
These novels wouldn't even get a 3rd of that you said it would.
Awesome your A$$!
The novel your requested all have brain full of sh1t!
I never read novel with God on the title
All of the are beeing hosted elsewere with dedicated tranlators , no reason for them to come here
Qidian novels that I’d like them to pick up are Chronicles of primordial wars as well as Zombie evolution.
Such kind responses truly warmed up my heart, I guess I'll just continue reading them in other websites :D
Huangdi True, You are embodiment of it :D
STPromi Truly relevant :D
Dontlookdown Well I guess here, everyone only follows qidian series, but if you look at wuxia novels rankings, you would find them as well. so they're not that bad.
but on some other websites, they rank even higher than King of gods which holds rank 18 here!
Brandwyn You know what, they aren't , but if you've read immortal mortal, legend of futian or ancient godly monarch, you definitely shouldn't miss out on Peerless martial god! and even more so
i've personally read most of the ranked series on this website and i can tell you man, they really don't disappoint you.
Miegoreng Huhu, well you can always give them a try, they're really not that bad!
SweetsTomato then you've misssed out a lot:
Tales of Demons and Gods, King of Gods, Against the gods, Martial God Asura, Dragon Marked War god, Ancient godly monarch, God of slaughter, Peerless Martial God, Martial God space, God and Devil world, Chaotic sword god & etc...
FlyingFisher Yeah, that, they are, but i felt it'd be a shame not to have them here in this website as well and it would make things easier for many people while at the same increasing popularity of the website
LastEmailDeleted though not relevant to the post, but thanks for introducing them, i'll check them out :D