Sorry, the hair is something that came with the original picture that I cropped out. Unfortunately, as my laptop is broken at the moment, I have very limited tools on my phone which is why I can’t go to photoshop and draw those extra strands in 😟

    silentscarlettt WUAAAH it looks awesome~ I would love to use it. But is it alright if you choose another picture for me? <3 I love this one but it doesn't fit in my story setting. It would be great if the girl is wearing traditional clothes. :o sorry for not specifying Scarlet.

    But if it's not possible, it would be my pleasure to use this one <3 Thanks Scarlet. Thanks for alllll your hard works.

      ChibaNozumi @silentscarlettt there's no need to do it. I found a way to do it without having the quality being ruined. Same goes with Death Flag's cover. Thanks you very much again!

        If you are willing, make a Cover for Me.
        *Title: Rogue Immortal: Immortal Rise From The Coffin, Back To Zero.
        + Author Name/ Pen Name: DrunkenShadow.
        + Link to Story:
        + Genres of Story: Eastern Fantasy
        + Any Specific Requests: Draw an Immortal with Flames in the Eyes, Purple Dress, Holding a Scythe, looking down on the World, Night where moonlight fell on him illuminating his entire person especially his eyes.

          Requesting will most likely be opening again either late Friday or early Saturday. Please note, sometimes, I get caught up doing something else, so I open the thread a bit later than intended, but just wait until I post “requesting is now open! I’ll take _ number of requests for this week!” (It all depends on how much extra time I have. The more free time, the more covers I can make.)

            Gasp. They loook Great. :100: :DDDDDD <3 I’ll use Version 2~ Thanks again Scarlet~ :3 <3

            Could I ask for a little change? The weapon in MC's hand looks a bit strange, in the novel its supposed to be this massive thing even bigger than him, would it be possible to switch the direction of the weapon i.e have it facing down and just make it bigger overall?
            Its fine if thats too much, you've already done a great job! :)


              Honestly, like I’ve stated before: my laptop is broken, so I have very limited tools to use on my phone. If I had photoshop, it would be very easy as I would just need to extract it and then change the direction of it while making it bigger. But as I’ve only got a 5$ iOS version... it sucks lol

              So I hope you don’t mind that little detail :(

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