
  • Joined Sep 21, 2018
  • I was writing to ask how to use the publish timer. I think it may be in a different time zone, so I wondering if I could get which time zone it is in. Last time I used the publish timer, I screwed up and my chapter ended up getting released early.

    How do I use the publish timer correctly?

  • Have you tried to write a novel but couldn't keep up with the hard work required to write one? Well, I have a couple of tips to help you write one! Though I can't say that I've finished a Novel, I've even dropped a Novel due to stress at school, there are a few things I would like to share with the community, I've learnt a lot during the time I've started to write one.

    1) Try to write at least a thousand words every day!
    This one is actually optional, but it helps a lot if you want to be efficient and get writing experience. I wrote around 2k words every day, and that was the reason I dropped one of my novels, it took up too much time!

    Every bit of free time you have lying around, you can use it to write a few hundred or a thousand words. It helps to get you in the habit of typing for long and staying focused.

    2) Staying focused!
    This helps quite a lot. When I started writing, I would always get distracted. I never really focused on writing which made me around twice as long if I didn't focus on doing one chapter. This is a very important step.

    A side note is also having motivation! Without motivation, you can't get writing what so ever. When you write, you want to try to get into the mood. For me, I try to challenge myself: 'Can I really write this?'

    3) Having a plan!
    Without a plan, you will likely forget most of the world building and Original features that you put in your world. In my opinion, you cannot write without a plan. Why? Can you fit so much information in your mind without the use of a plan? My guess is a no.

    Writing a detailed plan is the best. If you don't write detailed enough, then your characters may become shallow and one dimensional. You must also consider characters from their point of view. The opponent your MC may face may not only just care about that one girl! He has a different life! If you make it seem like they will forever chase the MC for one girl, then that really makes that character same un-original and one dimensional.

    This is what really affected me the most. I remember when my teachers when I was like 10 telling me to draw a story mountain, what happens at the beginning, middle and end or introduction. climax, peak and conclusion. It seemed very useless because you could at max write a couple hundred words back then, but now is different! You want to first plan your story from beginning to end, then split it into different stories, 'arcs'. You can plan each arc the same as a story, beginning to end.

    After planning your arcs, split them into chapters, like arc 1 will have around 3 or 4 chaps. Now, many may have already done that, but could you do more? You may have written your plan for the chapter, but it is still vague and the events you include are just too short or long for one chapter. What can you do? Well, there is a better way to plan. First, split your chapter further (I know this process is very long, but this is what it takes to be more organised and efficient) into main points that will happen in your chapter:

    Chapter 1:
    -Introduce Steve and describe his facial features, body and personality in the first person
    -What he does (runs a pound shop)
    -When he is at home and sleeps, he appears in an open and endless grey space
    -Meets god, doesn't believe

    Most people usually plan for one chapter but they think it is too long or too short. Some may end with a chapter around 300 words, others around 2 or 3 thousand words. The best way to avoid that is for you to try to include how many words you want to include in your plan:

    Chapter 1: 1.3k words
    -Introduce Steve and describe his facial features, body and personality in the first person (300 words)
    -What he does (runs a pound shop) (300 words)
    -When he is at home and sleeps, he appears in an open and endless grey space (400 words)
    -Meets god, doesn't believe (300 words)

    Since most face problems with their chapters being too short, the best way to add to their word count is to add a layer of description that makes their character's feel more lifelike.

    These are all the tips I have for now. I'm quite new myself, I've only written around 100k words, so not an expert. If anyone has any tips, you can probably expand on mine. Idk if my tips were messy or not, but I'm sorry anyway.

  • Primordial Wars... Just use the power of MTL, it works till the next 500 chaps where you can't even know where the plot is moving any more. I haven't read Primordial Wars but seeing it has like 1k posts, I'm just saying for you guys who are waiting to use the power of MTL.

    • Yeah Yes, yes there is. There is one on WN right at this moment. It is called 'Paradise of Demonic Gods'. It is actually quite good. It has a power fantasy thing and the MC is quite OP. A good novel, but it gets boring fast for me since it doesn't have any harem or romance.

      • Yeah replied to this.
      • So, a friend of mine wrote a fan-fic of Naruto for the lols and just a test to see what the results would be. He wrote one 14k word chapter and then split it into seven pieces. He uploaded each chapter after one hour... Can you guess the results of such a test? This all happened in quite a short period of time, mind you.

        137 collections. 21k views. 14k words. 7 chapters.

        WTH M8? That is a bit too op isn't it? I remember it took around three times as many chaps as that just to get like 100 collection on my FoTD... We really need another section for all the Fan-fics. This crap is B.S. It can get in the top 100s while normal authors work their asses off just to get the same results.

        By no means do I hate fan-fics (I lied, I really hate them) but we need this to chill down a bit. Those fan-fics do no actual work and use the other's crap to make the characters. Though there are some novels that only have things like the abilities in another world (In another world with the Naruto System), that isn't on WN, so we can deny those claims.

        So, can we get another ranking for fan-fics, WN? I really feel that that would be a better idea than clustering Fan-fic novels with originals. After all, they aren't originals!

      • +9k (I'm much more than just a person, I alone am a unit)

        Inkstone seems cool, but it is actually a pain to use. I never even see a need to use it. It is easier to just write on Word and then copy, paste the content. It is much easier and has less of a chance of crashing. Please fix it.

      • Just figured it out. Apparently, you have to search the novel's name on the novel search. It doesn't allow you to access it if you have it in your collection for some reason.

        • One of my favourite novels is called 'The Adventures of the Young Master'. It was on Hiatus for quite a while, but today (or just that I noticed late) it updated! I clicked on the novel only to find that it wasn't letting me access the contents of the novel.

          WN, can you fix it?

          • I feel late to know that Ancient Godly Monarch is getting a TV Drama...
            For many reasons, I think this will turn out to be trash, like the other Live actions. But meh, If they can even pull off half of the crap they did in AGM, that would be something to be proud of.
            So, are the first few episodes out?

            • Kalgar It is also one of the few series that the protagonist is too OP. He nearly never face slaps and hides too 90% of the time. Most of the times, he just erases their memories. An annoying mechanic. The nearly has no movement.

              • Please! I'm getting bored of thousands of chapters of the MC getting stronger before he gets stomped down again and again! I just want to see any novel that has a Protagonist Strong from the start... There is like no variety in these novels, and they feel like they're being put on repeat. The same arrogant young master slayer, the MC, goes on a cultivation Journey, some have twists, but some don't... You have to read around 1k chapters before the difference is shown in the novel... The first thousand are usually the same.

                Even if it's quite long, I hope that there is at least some kind of Strong from the start protagonist series. Btw, if you do, can you not make it like My cold and elegant Ceo Wife... We all know the problem with that series.

                • BabyTanuki I would expect 'daily updates to have 7chap/week, but 'The Assassin's Path' doesn't even do that! I think it's like 3/4 chaps per week! My novel, Heavenly Immortal Disciple, only got onto trending, but never daily updates, even though I was releasing quite a lot of chaps per week in the beginning. Though I do admit, I have put it on break, and it only has 38 chaps.

                  It should at least be made clear the objectives for the novel to make into trending or daily updates.

                  Btw, there are also many fake reviews on the novel 'The Assassin's Path' and 'Death Incarnation' (especially Death Incarnation, it has like 7k views but somehow has like 200+ Power stones on it) 'The Assassin's Path' doesn't have many Power stones, but it does have some fake reviews. Many accounts that are low-level posting reviews on the novel, there was even a level 1... if that's not enough, I don't know what more I can say other than WN needs some Moderators.

                  • Yeh... I don't know why, but is the daily update system even working properly? At first, there was 'Reborn: Evolving from nothing' that had gone on a break for two days, that is not daily. Though, I won't make it revolve around it too much, because I enjoy it too and it got contracted as well, so it deserves WN's attention. But then there is this book called 'The Assassin's Path'. The novel only has like 16 chaps, and it's on daily updates... that's not all. It also doesn't have 'daily updates'. It even went on a break at chapter 3 (a seven-day break actually)

                    I'm not trying to sound like a whiny douche, but seriously, it updates like once in two days. Is it daily as in it delivers in on it's promised days?

                    Am I wrong about how the system for daily updates works? If anyone knows something about it, some context would be helpful.

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