Sorry about the request before you've opened it back up. I will keep following on here for when your ready again. Your provide a great service for new authors so thanks again!!

Hello!😊Im not sure if you are still on ur break and I'm so sorry to bother you πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸ˜“but I have been looking for a book cover for sooo long and I saw this miraculous thing that said "free covers". I was preparing to see a white cover with... Different fonts or SOMETHINGπŸ˜’, and then I saw your work and I was like😲 HOLY & =$) ), THIS IS LEGITπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜! Honestly I'll wait for however long it takes for you to have free time or until you stop doing it.πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ˜†

Title: unparallel
Synopsis : so basically this girl was a assasin/doctor with a difficult past and she was betrayed by someone she lovedπŸ’”... She transcended into a 'Asian?' old world where there are powers but she is reborn in a different body. She's really smart and pretty and weak but she trains to be powerful πŸ’ͺand learn how to love😻 and have peace✌ but she attracts problemsπŸ™ˆ... It's kinda cliche but it's my favorite type of book πŸ˜‚
Genre: ❀romance fiction❀
Idea 4 cover: well I like a simple cover with... Normal? Pretty? πŸ˜…font... Nothing too fancy pls... I think I would like a beautiful Asian maybe Chinese? girl with long flow black hair and grayish bluish eyes... Slim and not too curvy... Maybe Asian themed background, and I would prefer light colors? Up to you ma wonderful designerπŸ’“love you thank you so muchπŸ™β€πŸ’“πŸ’‹

lynerparel omg I love this book and I can't believe your the one who made this LEGENDARY book cover.... YOU ARE SO LEGENDARY πŸ˜‚πŸ’“

    See post above. When the current requests are done.
    When are they done? When they're done, they're done, simple as that!

    This is not her job. She's just doing this in her free time to help people. She's got a life, work, and other commitments too.

      This post is still closed. Please do not request for more book covers yet as requests have not been reopened.

      Wait patiently and don’t be demanding❀️

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