WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL This is sounds awesome
We hereby invite you to a sponsored trip to China!
Visa would be around 4-7 days. I would very much like to join. Even if i dont win, i can pay for the tickets and lodging as long as i get to see the authors. Especially er gen!
visa within a week, passport with validity of atleast 6 months remaining and sponsorship and confirmed stay details in china
2-4 business days for the visa.
30-140 USD
You need the proper identification with six months valid time.
Then do the application. Not much else unless you apply for a CVASC.
L Visa fits perfectly for this.
2-4 day 30 USD and cheap flight from India
Frosch Lmao
this cat scared of flights
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am really excited
I would really like to go
Man I'm excited
- Edited
Ahhhh, in the US I'm pretty sure I'll need to apply at a Chinese Consulate or Embassy...hopefully I can figure out how to do that online, as the nearest one isn't even in my state. Apparently it takes just over a month to get approved, and will cost around $140 USD.
i live in the UK and i am 19
should i go?
i would aswell, i think a fan group would merge if this happens xD
and poor er gen would get hassled to death by stampeded of fans
Sounds fun, no idea my odds but would be a trip to remember for whoever gets it.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL It really sounds exciting!but so sad it is only above 18 (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)
30-60 days before the trip. Need a valid plane ticket before I can apply for a visa. I have a friend that can get me a visa within 2 weeks of departure date. :)
Hehehe here from Jogja. So expensive for visa? I don't even have passport yet.
Damn! It is going to be awesome if I win this.. omg.. china.. finally a chance!!! Daoism, here I come!! All the Main characters give me your overpowered luck!
TheLonerLion that sounds like me.
Something good
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Totally down for a free vacation.
Well, I'm not going to decline a free vacation...