18 and above... sad days, sad days...
We hereby invite you to a sponsored trip to China!
wow,, cool
I don't understand how I can apply for this?
I don't understand how I can apply for this?
angel_serena Yes it is quite cool.
Please pick me!!!
Please pick me!!!
i dont know about getting a visa here in philippines but i really do want to visit china.. My father's homeland..
Hi im new and i didn't got an intro herw like why do i need a level up?
Hi im new and i didn't got an intro herw like why do i need a level up?
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20 days later
This is the wae
17 days later
That's nice
I'm newbie
16 days later
ButthurtAsian .....ur too heavy to carry...
i'm blacklisted...no visa for me.