Love that transcends space-time sounds interesting... I would like to write something like that, might as well join the next writing prompt as well. :) Also nice theme song. ;)

Iiiiyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Hand out, tears flow like river, heartbroken heard, tripping on the road, and...died in resentment!) I'll hunt down all the people!!!!!!!!!!!▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一

Thanks, but now I have no novels to vote for tonight to get my +5 SS.

Also, pushing through all three books at once makes the voting process pointless.

The romance novel (99th Divorce) was on its way to being out of the #1 spot by Sunday, despite the fact it's been on the voting list for two or three weeks now.

Thus, this week's voting results could have been an exciting example of democracy in action, but now we'll never know for sure.

Additionally, pushing through the losing novels means that for the next 1-2 weeks, any time Nyoi-Bo Studio spends translating the forced-through romance novel is time they could have spent translating novels of theirs I'm actually interested in reading, like Super Gene.

But seriously, I'm missing out on my +5 SS. Gimme something to vote for please and thank you.

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