
You were always kool, Tuggy!

(edited cause of saying cool, instead of 'kool')

    Heyo new daoist here, i love closed door cultivation, hence my lvl

      Heyo new daoist here, i love closed door cultivation, hence my lvl

        ZenByMoonlight Intruder! Where's your identification medallion?

        Welcome, it's quite easy to reach the higher realms, you just need to capture 10 of the cough cough.. harmless and ehem... cuddly creatures known as FRIENDS.

        Everyone does it aaaaaaaall the time. eyelids twitch



          Have you caught any?

          If not... feel free to come to the Snowman Clan thread.


          Shameless me.

            Lvl 5 here .. lvl 4? Your just an ant in my eyes that i can stomp anytime i want..

            (Im not lvl 5 by the way just claiming)

              This is funny.. And AMAZING! HAHAHAHA

              ANOTHER LVL 4 VILLAIN COMING THROUGH!! ┻━┻ ︡ヽ(`Π”Β΄)οΎ‰οΈ΅ ┻━┻

                _Haze_ double table flip, OMG SHE IS SERIOUS. (also where did u get that avatar soo cute, want one too)

                  zswaleh Just you wait. I am a few hundred Exp's away from your power level. I shall pray you never reach Level 5.

                    Elsa? Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's play~

                      I'm finally here.. hmmpphh (arrogant snort)... This Immortal is LvL 4 now. TREMBLE ANTS!!.. HUR HUR!!


                        It's the #1 Top thread.. so as long as you switch the forum to Top. You'll see us right at the top. If you need further instructions.... uh. Just search us on the search bar. <done>

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