MasterRabbink yeah I drive a truck. So I listen to serious xm radio Fox news and wall builders which is a Christian news outlet. It was on both stations
This site is turning into a trash can...
MasterRabbink I know but.. it's hard to find a game that does not kill even Lego islands kills people..and look how fun halo is.irs hard to say you can't enjoy halo. Because people kill.
Robotech is boring as hell. That leaves sports games.. which creates idol worship of players. Race car games. And games like Sims. Simple put my poor nephew only gets 1 hour of game time. In my home because we want him to focus on grades. Family and chores.
I used to read stories to the kids when I was home to expand there imagination. Then we play in the yard building forts spaceships and such.. but to many stories focus on sex and murder. The Japanese focus on being stupid and dense. The Americans focus on demon worshiping and vampires..
It's actually very rare to find a average Joe go on an adventure, or a paladins fighting for what's right. Instead it's always some messed up evil guy who killing stealing and raping his way to power. Or he only acts nice when he had no power once he has it he is worse than the original antagonist.
At 12, you still get in trouble. It's not "illegal" because you don't get arrested or fined. But you still get in trouble. So the legal age is 18. Trust me, go have sex at like 12, you will get in trouble.
rustic Speechless.
Misguided_Rooster ever heard of statutory rape? Parents can still sue. Where the fvck did you get this information? And yes, even if both of them are minors, they could be labelled as a sex offender for life. 'MURICAAAA!
bachingchung Eh, i googled. Was too lazy to go further:/
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yu_ba_bu_neng This site it's turning into what the original Chinese site is, just go to qidian and search a little there are tons of fanfics of naruto, one piece, and even more original novel that are not worthy of your reading time, the ones you call "Real Literature" are no more than a limited number of hand picked novels that adjust to the subjective tastes of the translators, many of them are not even that good, written by normal people like the people that write those "shitty" fanfics. Qidian exist as a platform to give an opportunity to people that doesn't want, or can, deal with editorials and his narrow minded standards, just don't be like them be open minded.
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Gurahl Actually I believe Webnovel is the best place for fanfiction. The site is easy to read... had an offline apps. The other is FF and AO3. They were still in 1990. WN is actually strong in this side.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Wow it s frinking rare for you to reply. Sht got reaaal! For weeks we asked you the same question but you never give an explanation or announcement regarding Free Chapters. Bullssshtt.! And then some of unlocked chapters ( with SS) are being locked again. So I need spend more more SS to re-read retrace back my chapters!!! Are u bullish or ignorant
Okay I wanted to share a photo of the giant spaceship/ fort we made for the kids lol. But clicking on the photo button to share failed.
AuxiliralyMAx Don't expect much
Wattpad is like fan fiction universe.
Myumara Wrong, One Piece would be the best selling book in the world. I would love to see seperate rankings for originals and fan-fics, because when i want to read originals it takes about 20+ minutes of going through rankings to find something interesting to me. The other reason I want a seperate ranking is that fan-fics and originals generally have different types of readers and thus major differences in terms of success, it seems unfair to originals to have to compete with fan-fics who have pre-built reader bases. Also if they did seperate the rankings it would mean more fan-fics would move up the list on the fan-fic ranking and more originals would be visible on the original ranking.
Misguided_Rooster Doesent need to be amazing just doesent have to be trash
It's called original for a reason. No offense to any fanfic writers, but they aren't exactly original.