Dontlookdown 50ss is still working...Have you tried open that link into the browser?
Early bird entrance for NEW APP Version! Chance to win SS!
I was wondering why there wasn’t a link for IOS... I’d like to try it out, although I’m a bit hesitant after reading everyone’s reviews.
Wow so exciting!! I want to try it too!!
silentscarlettt IOS version will be released next week! Just keep patient! Next week I will send the link to your first!
Huang_Mai_Bao Try it and reflect! XX
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL we can't like or comment yet?
Ive put some feedback in a new post and tagged the webnovel account in it. I hope it helps.
existing okie dokie. Thanks.
too slow, my smartphone can't even get past the initial loading screen
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hello I downloaded it yesterday but because of hanging I degraded it two times now my all novels are gone the updates notification is coming but when I try to load it says [fail in loading (-1)]
Have downloaded the beta test. It's still a bit early to say but I noticed a possible bug while reading the newly released comics.
On initial click all frames of the comic are fully loaded. However, when I lock my phone and then unlock it again only the frame that I was reading is loaded, the later frames only show a loading screen that doesn't actually load even after waiting.
Like others have mentioned I can't find the male/female option either.
I quite like the new interface and hope that all the problems with the beta can be solved. Thank you!
(if you need to see screenshots to understand the issue I'll upload a new post)
beccareads Thanks for your reply! I will summarize your suggestions! There's no need for screenshots! Thank you!
Booker23de same. I can't open it.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL chapctcha is not working
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL its working fine with me tho.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL took me a couple tries, but i got it now
The comics didn't appear when searching by name, the only way to acess them is from the freatured comics section.