@WriterCVL @Vgnette
Sorry to hear you guys lost. I thought for sure you guys were going to take 1st and 2nd. Hope you guys keep at it and appear in the daily update sections soon so you can get a bigger following =p

Tough competition this time around. Sex novels are crazy popular. Naruto fanfic novels are also very hard to beat early game. They always seem to get a big boost in the early stages from the Naruto fanbase.

    SnoozySloth Nah it's fine, at least I've got the experience, yeah beating them is nigh impossible to be honest, unless I wrote a groundbreaking story of some sort.

    Well, at least I got the 200 ss to give out for my readers, thanks for the encouragements though.

    Congrats FreeFlow and jinxin.

    Seems writing Kingdom stories just isn't in my repertoire. Might redo The Jade Gate as a different story.

      I'm of the opinion that kingdom building is the hardest of all categories. But that may just be because my weakest point is describing the world/surroundings lol.

        I'm actually the other way around. I tend to spend too much time describing surroundings and spend ages on world building. It's a habit from when I used to games-master in those old pen and paper style role-playing games. So I end up having to edit things out so I can keep chapters below 3,000 words.

          I'm always struggling to add extra descriptions of the surroundings lol. I feel like the only things I really excel at are characters and grammar.

            Someone should combine naruto fanfic and sex! Oh, wait. It's already been done. Lol.

            I think I'd be salty about losing to a fanfic as well. Not really a level playing ground. Sex... eh I think can accept losing to that. Actually, I did lose to that in my 1st writing contest lol.

              GAmeDOS There's no need to be salty about that xD, it's already a lost cause when a porno + fan fics were added into the equation, and congratulations to you too, oh and congratulations to @WriterCVL.

              Delete the previous comment, because after checking the other entries...


              Do you guys checked the 'duplicate' account who vote for the female contest? I think based on real account @Take_the_Moon The girl who wanted to be a hero, but reincarnate as a villain! should win! This Rabbink only hopes your 'vote checker' as said in this


              Stay true:

              1. Voting Guidelines and Policies

              To make everything is fair, one person can only use one account to participate in the stone-giving process. Webnovel will process and analyze the data for the top books by using both programs and analysts.If the prohibited behavior occurs, The votes will be reduced accordingly, and the accounts will be banned.

              Especially since this is a contest you guys made to encourage new authors. I hope this won't become a fake contest like RTW FanFiction.

                Those jotei guys right?
                Like 10 of 22 voters had the Name 'jotei' in their NickNames, not even being Original or giving a f#€& lol.
                Of those only 1 looked legit, the rest had their Acc made this month.
                ... But who cares? Maybe this is all a super coincidence! ;)

                  Skully_ As long as you do the topic. So make a fake story. 500 words post it 5 times at least. Free 500 SS.

                    It's not as if I do not know how people cheat and how the Chinese service-selling servers, like games and the Qidian, fail to manage everything. I already played Chinese games in which there were people who had more than 100 characters just to accumulate money and send to the main account, so it is not the first I see this kind of thing.

                    I just did not imagine that my story really should have gained a higher place, I was thrilled and a little bit wronged by the lack of Qidian management. = /

                    And about ghost accounts .... I do not think it's a good idea, I do not know, deceive yourself, I've done it in games (not so blatantly), usually to make a male account, since I was harassed when I had a female account, but to do this to "praise yourself" in the story, I think it's kind of sad.

                    Good evening!

                    a year later

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