It's really how you define yourself, right? Why should you think that Webnovel is forcing you to read what it deems as what most members of that gender would prefer? Is this due to insecurity?

    CKtalon Hi! Sorry this is off-topic.

    From @Dontlookdown

    Hey mister rabbink. I have been banned from forums, not sure why( probably cause of mr spammy, he just had to take me down with him). Anyways, i obviously cant ask on the forums and my emails have gone unanswered. I really hate to bother you over this, especially on your own novel. But this was my last option, as im unable to create another account due to wifi problems and me being completely inept at computers. Not sure what to do now, so im consulting you. Once again im sorry for the inconveinience.

    I think he is banned, but he doesn't know the reason. (I saw his past post and didn't see anything worth banned) Perhaps it was because he was talking about the spam and accidentally banned when a mod mass delete the spam. Can you look into it? Thank you.

      CKtalon The new version of the app forces you to pick male or female at the start; there's no way to avoid it.

        MasterRabbink Yes, that's better. They could also just name the two categories some random chuuni names like they've done with the Facebook badges. Practically anything would be better than the current sexist names.

        CKtalon I'm not in the least bit insecure about my gender identity... I like a Disney show called "Sofia the First" yet I am a straight male. I just don't like that how it is worded makes it seem like "these novels are only for" the specified gender... please be more specific in your terminology at very least... I'm sure this is the main thing everyone here wants.

          Hoooo, my bad, they did care a little xD
          Now it's female or male lead !
          it don't give you the genre of the novel, but at least it's informative.


            CKtalon I see it's been improved, thank you (to whoever directed them to do, and did, this correction).;,;. there will be way fewer people upset about it now.;,;.

            Who cares about specifics, all I really need to know is that I get to read two new novels per week now instead of one, and because of two sections there's a larger voting selection.

              2 years later
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