Wind_of_Light I can't continue to read huhu I need Spirit tones to unlock the chapter
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Why is there no discount?
they are just making people tired of reading d novel
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL nice! I just started reading and unlocking It's Not Easy to be a Man After Travelling to the future.
Awesome! But... what's with the Tuesday discount?
Just started reading full marks hidden marriage: pick up a son,get a free husband and it killing me cause I need power stones to unlock the chapter.
Damn low SS
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL wahhhhhh so exciting!!!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL any plans for finding new translators for dropped novel translations like counterfeit hero?
Did we meet the target for the discounts? When will the discounts be implemented?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I hope you can add "Download" feature in Comics, so that it makes us convenient to read continuously. :)
What happened to first 2 top ranking bonus? I am really hoping to get a discount on those two books....please...
celeste_kagaya I am really waiting for this waaaah... I don't know if they still have a plan to award this :(
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hey let us know about the results regarding this.
Hey? What about the discounts???
I think we didn't reach the target thats why we dont have any discounts,
waywardlass i thought it was a typo and the discount is based on last weeks result. It we are expected to reach the target in just one day... its basically click bait. no way we will have the numbers
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL where the hell is the discount
I've been checking for a while and still no discounts
Keep your own words and give us our discounts for LoHP & FMHM
- Edited
BloodRedDemon Didn't even reach half of the initial goal of 60k. They probably didn't think of the reset that happens at the end of the week so the goal is almost impossible to achieve.