they are just making people tired of reading d novel

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL nice! I just started reading and unlocking It's Not Easy to be a Man After Travelling to the future.

    Awesome! But... what's with the Tuesday discount?

    Just started reading full marks hidden marriage: pick up a son,get a free husband and it killing me cause I need power stones to unlock the chapter.

      waywardlass i thought it was a typo and the discount is based on last weeks result. It we are expected to reach the target in just one day... its basically click bait. πŸ˜’ no way we will have the numbers

      BloodRedDemon Didn't even reach half of the initial goal of 60k. They probably didn't think of the reset that happens at the end of the week so the goal is almost impossible to achieve.

        I was very excited when I saw that we will have discounts for these two great books but when I saw the date, I was confused because it's too early. It would have been possible if the deadline is on Thursday or tomorrow but it's really just too early to reach 60k PS yesterday or today. I really waited for this day of discounts even if I know that the possibility of it is very low. Aaaahhhhh how saaad! 😭

        Hoshino OK now i get it
        These punks never meant to give us the discounts in the first place😑
        Fuck them for raising our hopes with their way of wording the whole thing and confusing us😠

        waywardlass there is no way the second place was under 60k PS. LoHP had 100k+ for most of the last weeks and the second surly didn't have less than half that, right?

        MasterRabbink While I agree with the general principal of this being difficult novels here have shown to be effectively translated at higher speeds. I thought this was part of why Spirit Stones can now be purchased, and I would happily buy more to read novels translated at a higher speed (as I did for Release That Witch in the past).

          What are the discounts for today ? LOHP, no ?

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I always sleep after midnight because I will vote for Hidden Marriage first!! Thanks for Translator-sama to share this story with us.. I'm still hoping for mass release!

              I love to read novels here how ever i am looking forward to become author here

                I hope there mass releases for billion stars or 99 proclamation loveπŸ˜£πŸ™

                  Please mass release for fmhm and psl pls.

                    LOHP discounted today ! ;-)

                      Yakumo It is not their fault that the novels on mass release are the same. It is because these books have more votes than others. But this week there are more books that I was shocked to see a mass release for. example is the MY Youth Begins With You(MYBWH) and the Dragon's son-in-law.Do still read this TGIF to check may be one day your interest novel will be mass release. Don't lose hope. I read TGIF and only 2 of my interest books have had mass release since.So please be patient, it is not easy for the Translator/Editor/Author too. It is hard work for them too.

                        Please, I'm still waiting for reply to my request on adding Hidden Marriage to the Comic Section. Thank you.

                          Why didn't I get discount in ss for super gene today.what happened to discount offer?? #TGIF#33

                            Yeah been waiting on this

                              CKtalon yep a direct link only... no way to access it from the rest of the site...

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