ThousandHeavens Only you can check it. However, most block were because the author used non-English alphabeth. Else, you should contact a devs for help.

    Hey guys,
    How does this voting work again? Is that the power stones used to vote for novels?
    If that's the case, I don't think my own work is lower in number of votes than, say, the 3rd place one. After excluding my own votes, of course.
    My story: Chloe & Owen

    I suggest you include the number of counted votes for the top 10 (yes, including the ones who don't win) for better transparency.

      I went to look at the post published with the prizes, it seems that only next week we will win something.


        Thanks. It's my first parody. I'm actually enjoying it enough to continue... though only in spurts.

        Congrats yourself on the gender-bender story. I have to admit that sort of story would be impossible for me to write.

        Also congratulations to Rakkitchu and straydog09 for winning first places.


          Sorry it took me a week. I usually only check in on the forums once a week, to see the new writing prompts and books.

          I'm taking a look at yours right now, I'll leave some feedback.

            MilordInk Thanks, Initial chapters were indeed contained mistakes, but later ones are better as I decided to focus on quality rather than quantity.

              Oh God, what does this have to do with the conversation?

              Very embarrassing, but true, I translate from google translate and then "edit", in case I take a lot of obvious errors of the translation, but still much error.

              Now if you want to talk about your problem of not receiving the prize, instead of knowing if I translate or not in google translate, talk to the patriarch or look at your spams might be there the prize, I looked at mine and it was there, mysteriously.

                Sorry for the harsh answer, but you touched my reverse scale.

                I have suffered a lot with this business of translating, my sister insists that I should write directly in the English language, but if I write in English it will take years to leave a chapter, not to mention that there are expressions in Portuguese that do not exist in the English. Even rhythm or lyricism is different in both languages.

                So yes I play on google and I try to edit, but there are days when I'm too sleepy, but I want to publish anyway, so the edition sucks. You can see at the beginning of my novels, everyone starts with a chapter full of gender errors, because google translator or who helped to compose the translations, does not translate things to the feminine, almost always throw everything in the masculine.

                Anyway, in the course of the chapters, I make more complete editions and reading the sentences to see if they pass the message that I really want to pass.

                Yes, I know English, I read English and I know when the sentences are wrong, I only have difficulty writing at the same speed as I normally write.

                  9 days later


                  Do what you feel.

                  If I can see the plot, the story, a few mistakes in translation are nothing. Keep it up... I might visit and leave a review.... once I know which Original story you're writing, hehe (hint)

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