chinawa I already mentioned this in the spoilers above.

Rick always took care of HM, always.

After she found out she was pregnant, the Su’s invited her to live with them. She stayed at the Su home until she gave birth to the twins.

She returned to the castle home and lived with her mother and children because she wanted them to grow up in their own home. The girls were adored by the Sus. They were also close to SY.

Because of this, SY thought there was no way HM would refuse him if he proposed marriage. He saw himself as a father figure in their lives. The girls didn’t want him as their father, they wanted to marry him lol.

On their 4th birthday, all of their friends were encouraging him that the proposal will go fine and HM should have let QC go. This part pissed me off because even HM’s best friend and QC’s best friend encouraged SY to propose. They clearly had no idea how deep HM loved QC.

Unfortunately for SY, QC came back before he could propose. HM personally introduced him as her husband to everyone at the party. He met the twins too. The best friends felt awkward because they were happy that QC was back but sad because SY’s proposal failed.

QC didn’t make things hard for SY. He appreciated that he took care of his family when he was away. The twins also told SY that they knew their mom wouldn’t agree because she loves only their dad. They felt paternal love towards QC, but they also loved SY as a potential husband for them.

    QueenCL thank you dearie. And apologies for making you write again hehe.
    I seriously appreciate all of this. ☺

      QueenCL oh i cry. atleast there still hope for the two. how many chapter is it?

        chinawa yes that kind of span being separated is difficult glad that it is in novels only haha. although my heart ache for whats going to happen i think its all worthy


          Febryl18 Maldives..nope.Pregnancy will take a while judging from the spoilers on here.
          Everybody seems to want Mian to get pregnant now😅

            QueenCL Forgot to note while ago..if LL and GR encouraged SY to propose to feels to me they betrayed QC and HM too..since they are supposed to be the best of friends (they should know that both loved each other deeply and how they fought for why this act?)LL could possibly be doing it but GR,I'm a bit disappointed.Thats a let down..and I'd be surely pissed as well.

              chinawa what??? that long? where are you reading that? i cant wait for the updates.

                chinawa they thought that QC died in plane crash since QC did not shown himself after that and no updates and report regarding on him. and maybe they also seen how much SY loves HM so they decided to support SY

                  chinawa That’s how I felt too. Even if QC died, HM stated her stance clearly from the beginning. She told everyone that QC wasn’t dead and even if he was, she would never get remarried.

                  All of them ignored her and only felt that she’d have let go once the twins got older because they’d need a father. They all made a decision for HM and were so sure she’d have forgotten QC.

                  Then QC came back and they both felt awkward. Only HM was truly happy because she knew her husband would come back. Everyone else had given him a death sentence.

                    Febryl18 As the couple’s best friends, they should have respected HM’s decision. Even after 4 years of waiting, she didn’t develop feeling for SY. They all blinding pushed SY to propose because they knew the girls liked him and he had been taking care of HM for so long.

                    SY’s friend (Tang Chuan?) accused HM of playing with SY’s feelings. He called her ungrateful for abandoning SY when QC returned.

                    HM had to straighten everyone out by telling them that she never once gave SY hope. He was delusional and they all fed his delusions. She never promised to be with him. She appreciated him as a friend but nothing more. Even if she was going to payback SY for his good deeds, it would never be to marry him.

                    Her twins knew and trusted their mothers feelings for their dad. It was disappointing to see that her best friends didn’t.

                      QueenCL felt bad for SY's character but i have been reading spoilers from the link you gave it stated there that SY will have a happy ending in the eyes of the readers maybe he will accept his fate and realize HM only treat him as friend

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