
Well I dont know if it's like only for women but it's majority of the readership is women at least so I get what you mean

    What an interesting thread this is....
    So many memes, jokes and sarcasm. All totally understandable.

    Statistically speaking there's no way there can be all these members and not 1 being a girl.

    With that being said, newbie here who's a girl.

      Good day Everyone.. Well I guess not everyone.. For example that fire-something-idiot... Well.. Can you welcome this senior of yours which is ME?..

      • GoGo replied to this.

        What's up people!!?. How's your holiday.. I have a very very very nice holiday.... I eat alone. Watch movie alone. Read alone. Going bathroom alone.(well of course..hmm) In short. I'm spending my holiday alone.. Nice right?..

          I have only two words in response to the above posts.

          Fite me

            Raskreia Huh.... so this is what my brother talking about when a female like me that don't care about Instagram and such are almost extinct also only enjoy being anonymous(not the anonymous group) in internet.

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