Only 2 Chapters translated, hoping to pick up. was looking for a novel with a bit of programming/ computer skills involved. seems to have potential
Rebirth in a Perfect Era
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A good programmer/developer should have these traits.
1- Should be arrogant and have the ability to back it up.
2- Hate colleges and universities.
3- Like to bash other fellow programmers and calling their code garbage.
4- Don't like social environments and hate to explain things to average people.
5- Coming up with ideas to solve problems by breaking into pieces whether it's related to coding or not.
6- Hate mindless chicks.
If the protagonist of this novel has all these traits then it's worth translating, otherwise, it's waste of time because the author does not know about good programmers/developers.
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@Fewkick I used to translate RPE for a while so if you are interested in reading it, here is the link : . The translation was kinda crude but there is an edited version of those done somewhere in my google docs. I won't be translating anymore chapters due to certain reasons but I hope you enjoy the novel :D
woshigib Thanks, I always had an interest in VR, and Hacking computer skills novel poor to rich, business empire. This Novel Synopsis was similar to a QIDIAN novel called Hacker that i loved after reading 25 chapters. To Bad Translator dropped it :(. Hoping this get picked up as not many novels on QIDIAN have this category, and it has potential to be ranked quite high i believe