My spirit stones disappeared
Fail to buy SS? Tell us and we will help out!
Shifter2187 this is the same exact thing that happened to me.
- Edited
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I also purchased some stones for $50, it took the money from my paypal account about 15 minutes ago or so at 9:10 local time. I have the reciepts as proof if needed. I am going to sleep now, if I do not have this resolved by the morning I will be issuing a refund. Please be so kind as to have this fixed, I do enjoy reading on this site and on this account.
I thought it was just me and I was cheated! Some of my bonus stones expires in 5 days. I wanted to use some. How so we contact admin
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Why have I lost all my spirit stones, over one hundred, all at once? :(
Shifter2187 same
I had 461 as but now it says 0. W
It there an issue with app?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Not just buying, My SS just vanished, and when i've added one friend and claimed the SS they've vanished as well. What can i do?
My spirit stones disappeared, got 0 for watching video, didn't get spirit stone for vote in power stone/energy stone, and get#fail message for lottery.
my SS is ALL gone and i need it to read NIGHTFALL. hurry up and fix it
AsuraRam Do you think they are going to fix this or just take the money and run??
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Not only when buying SS... even our current SS is all gone!!!
Shifter2187 They can attempt to run, but I know I will get mine back thanks to Paypal lol
mariana123tudo Happened to me too
I was about to read a tone but :( all ss gone to 0 for some reason
What the hell happened to my SS? I just updated the new chapter of LOHP, then after that my 230+ SS gone like that...Give me back my SS!!!! I tried accumulating that through login..
Just bought 500 stones and its not showing up on my account and my existing stones have dissapeared
2500 ish are missing on my end so it isnt necessarily a purchase problem.... even went to do the well at least i can get free SS from doing stuff aaaand that was a lie... cause those are also not appearing.... sadness
My Stones!!!!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL lost all my Spirit Stones...I had 608 and only read 13 chapters... 7 SS to unlocked each chapter. 7×13=91 SS. How do we get them back? Or refund?